Yemen: Preachers, Russia, Obama condemn Wednesday attack on US embassy


Sana’a : Preachers of mosques across Yemen condemned on Friday terror act targeting US embassy in Sana’a last Wednesday which claimed lives of six soldiers and five civilians.

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In their Friday’s speeches, they said that Islam disagrees with such act, adding that who did it are disobedient people and deserved punishment of Allah.

They also affirmed importance of spreading awareness among youths about real teachings of Islam which call for rejecting extremism and terrorism.

They called for gathering efforts to face such acts which target security and stability of the national interests.

In MOSCOW, Russia has condemned terror attack against the US embassy in Sana’a last Wednesday.

The spokesman of the Russian foreign ministry said in press release that Russia condemned strong the attack and any terror acts whatever who do them.

He expressed sorrow over killing civilians in the attack, saying that such act is a remainder for international community that it remains at war with international terrorism.

Meanwhile, Democratic nominee in American forthcoming presidential elections Barack Obama has denounced the terrorist bombing targeted US embassy in Sana’a last Wednesday.

“I strongly condemn Wednesday’s outrageous attack on the U.S. Embassy in Yemen. I honor the embassy guards who defended the compound, and my thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families. While I am thankful that no American citizens were killed, I am deeply saddened by the loss of innocent lives,” said Obama in his statement.

“Over seven years after 9/11, this latest attack calls on us to redouble our efforts to root out and destroy al Qaeda and its affiliates across the globe. This attack demonstrates the grave terrorist threat that exists from North Africa to Southeast Asia and around the world. This threat is made more dangerous by the sanctuary that al Qaeda has in Pakistan, which has allowed the organization to regroup, retrain, and re-establish links with operatives and affiliated group,” added Obama.

He voiced support to military and intelligence capabilities of countries fighting terrorism, “We must do more to strengthen the military, police, and intelligence capability in nations like Yemen that are on the front lines in the fight against terrorism.”