Second phase of census to begin in February


Agartala : The training of enumerators and supervisors for the second phase of the 2011 Census — to be held in February next year — shall commence next month, an official said here Monday.

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“The real or the second phase of census 2011, called the Population Enumeration phase will be conducted simultaneously all over India from Feb 9 to 28 next year,” senior census operation official Dilip Acherjee told IANS.

The 45-day first phase of the census, which included house listing and door-to-door headcount for the National Register of Indian Citizens (NRIC), ended in August.

Acherjee said: “After the field work is over, the forms have been transported to data processing centres located at 15 cities across the country. The six-phase data processing and scanning are now underway in these 15 centres and the process would be completed by November.”

Acharjee said that after the actual population enumeration (Feb 9-28, 2011), a five-day revision round would be held between March 1-5, 2011 followed by the declaration of the preliminary census result March 25, 2011.

The official said that after the Feb 9 to 28 census, the caste-based census works would be carried out by the government between June and September 2011.

Acherjee termed the process a “complicated one”.

Bowing to demands by several political parties, specially of those of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, the union government had last month decided to carry out a separate caste census next year.

The US Census Bureau and four United Nations (UN) agencies recently separately held “sharing of experience sessions” with the Indian census officials in New Delhi.

The UN agencies stressed that the women’s works besides their conditions both at home and outside should be properly underlined in the census operations.

These UN agencies were United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), United Nations Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).