Trinamool’s no-trust motion part of political games: Yogendra Yadav


Kolkata : Arvind Kejriwal team member Yogendra Yadav Thursday dubbed Trinamool Congress’s bid to move a no-confidence motion against the Congress-led central government as “small games” of the parties to “put up a show of being different from one another”.

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“My own sense is that these are the small games played by the political parties who want to put up a show in parliament of being different when they are not really different from one another,” he said here.

Yogendra Yadav, a political analyst and now a part of bureaucrat-turned-politician Arvind Kejriwal’s team, was speaking to the media on the sidelines of a debate — ‘Challenges and Prospects of Alternative Politics’.

“You (parties) want to exaggerate the small differences which you may have. I do not think why we should be interested in these small games,” the noted psephologist said while replying to questions on the no-confidence motion move of the Trinamool Congress.

Trinamool’s bid to move the motion against the government over its policies, including allowing foreign direct investment in multi-brand retail, was rejected by the Lok Sabha as it failed to muster requisite numbers.

The motion, moved by party leader Sudip Bandopadhyay, was supported by only Biju Janata Dal (BJD) MPs besides Trinamool’s 18 members.

Any no-confidence motion needs support of at least 50 members to be admitted and moved in the Lok Sabha.