New Delhi: A team of experts from the Central Building Research Institute (CBRI) were Monday continuing their survey of the Delhi’s Lalita Park area, including the multi-storeyed house that collapsed Nov 15, killing at least 69 people.
According to MCD officials, the CBRI experts and MCD engineers are collecting samples of the cement and building materials from the collapsed building and other buildings, owned by Amritpal Singh who has been booked for culpable homicide not amounting to murder.
Speaking to IANS, MCD’s Engineer-in-Chief Ravi Das said it was not an easy job to be finished within two or three days. “We have to head on with the technical discussions with CBRI and the samples should be checked. The report will be delayed,” he said.
MCD was supposed to submit the probe report by Friday (Nov 19) but sought extension to the deadline from Municipal Commissioner K.S. Mehra.
MCD’s chief vigilance officer, who is heading the probe, said they need to thoroughly investigate all aspects of the matter before submitting their report.