Palestinian President Abbas approves new gov’t

By Xinhua

Ramallah : Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Sunday signed a decree to install a new emergency cabinetled by U.S.-educated economist Salam Fayyad, a spokesman told Xinhua.

    Nabil Abu Rudaina, spokesman for the Palestinian presidency, said the new cabinet is to take office on Sunday.

    The decree was regarded as the latest step by Abbas to consolidate power in the West Bank following Hamas' takeover of the Gaza Strip.

Telgi-aide police officer granted bail

By IANS New Delhi : A Supreme Court bench, headed by Chief Justice K.G. Balakrishnan, has granted bail to former Senior Superintendent of Banglore's Central Prison Jaya Simha, who allegedly helped scammer Abdul Karim Telgi run his fake stamp racket from the jail, on grounds of slow pace of his trial. The Karnataka High Court while dismissing former jail official's bail plea in Aug 2006 had hoped that his trial would be over by Jan 2007.

Shutdown in parts of Hyderabad to mark Babri anniversary

Hyderabad : A shutdown was observed in parts of Hyderabad Saturday on a call given by some Muslim groups to mark the 22nd anniversary...

India calls for action to stop terrorists exploiting the net

By Arul Louis, United Nations : Citing the use of internet technologies during the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attack, India has called for changes to the...

Palestinian kidnappers threaten to kill BBC journalist

By Xinhua

Gaza : A radical Palestinian Islamic group holding BBC journalist Alan Johnston Tuesday threatened to kill him if their demand to release al-Qaida-affiliated members is not met.

    In a statement published on al-Ferdous (paradise) forum, the Army of Islam threatened to "slaughter the prisoner like sheep" if three Arab prisoners, affiliated with al-Qaida, are not released.

Kalam was passionate about Ayurveda: NGO

Mumbai : Former president A.P.J. Abdul Kalam was passionate about the ancient Indian medicine system of Ayurveda and was keen to modernise it...

Like Aler encounter, Bhopal encounter reeks of injustice, false claims and damning lies

By Amit Kumar, On October 2, Innocence Network, an all-India collective of individuals and organisations working for the rights of the people wrongfully...

Sacred journey, sinful passengers: Hajj scams in India

By Omar Khalidi, The onset of Ramazan is visible in all Muslim localities: large attendance at mosques, restaurants open at early mornings and then again at dusk. The aroma of the food, the taste of savories, the sound of the melodious azans and colorful clothes are inescapable to all five senses. The sacred month will be followed by a break of eight weeks followed by Hajj in Mecca.

Taliban to free all South Korean hostages

By Xinhua Seoul : The Taliban have agreed to free 19 South Korean hostages kidnapped in Afghanistan following negotiations with South Korean officials. "The South Korean government welcomes the agreement on the hostage release," South Korean Presidential Office Spokesman Cheon Ho-seon said Tuesday "The agreement was reached on conditions that South Korea withdraw its troops stationed in Afghanistan by the year's end and impose a ban on its Christian nationals' missionary activities in the Southwest Asian country," Cheon told a news conference.

Terror threat in UK growing – home secretary

By IRNA, London : The terrorism threat facing the UK is "severe" and "growing" with police tracking dozens of plots, according to Home Secretary Jacqui Smith. "There are 2,000 individuals they are monitoring. There are 200 networks. There are 30 active plots," Smith said Sunday. "That has increased over the past two years," she said. In an interview with the News of the World, Britain's biggest- selling tabloid newspaper, she said that since the beginning of 2007, 57 people have been convicted on terrorist plots.

Washerman beaten to death, politician held

By IANS, Ranchi: A washerman was beaten to death by a politician for failing to iron his clothes in Jharkhand's Hazaribagh district Sunday, police said. The politician was arrested. The incident took place at Dhobi Colony of Hazaribgh district, around 110 km from Ranchi. Mohammad Imtiyaz, who was earlier associated with the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD), got angry Sunday when he was informed by washerman Abbas that he could not iron his clothes as there was no electricity, police said.

American paedophile arrested in Tamil Nadu


Chennai : Tamil Nadu police have alerted the ministry of external affairs after arresting a 60-year-old American paedophile, one of the 100 most wanted men in New York, from the seaside town of Mahabalipuram.

Ayodhya verdict an attempted compromise: Panikkar

By IANS, New Delhi : Eminent historian K.N. Panikkar said Friday that the Allahabad High Court verdict on the Ayodhya land dispute was "an attempted compromise".

Israeli police search for evidence against PM

By Xinhua Jerusalem : Israeli police on Sunday morning began searches in several locations for evidence in current corruption investigations against Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. Israeli police spokesman Mickey Rosenfeld told Xinhua that the searches were aimed at seizing evidence for several financial investigations including cases related to the prime minister.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s New Year message to the nation

By IANS, Following is the text of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's New Year message to the nation: "My Fellow Citizens, I wish you all a peaceful, productive and secure New Year.

Saffron groups behind many terror blasts: Chidambaram

By Staff Writer, New Delhi: More than one and half years in office, Union Home Minister P Chidambaram now admits Hindutva terror groups are behind several blasts in the country. In his inaugural speech at three-day DGPs/IGPs Conference here this morning, Chidambaram said that saffron terror was behind many bomb blasts. Initially, some Muslim groups were blamed for each terror blast, big or small, in the country and consequently several hundred youths of the community were put behind bars.

Babri mosque demolition was a well hatched conspiracy: Cobrapost

By TCN News, New Delhi: According to investigative news-portal CobraPost, Babri Mosque demolition was a well-planned conspiracy. Code named “Operation Janmabhoomi,” the news-portal revisits the conspiracy and the people behind Babri Masjid Demolition on December 1992 to find it to be an “Act of Planned Sabotage.”

Indian passport problem in Saudi Arabia resolved

By IANS, Dubai : The problem of Saudi Arabian immigration authorities not accepting newly designed Indian passports has been resolved, according to the Indian embassy in Riyadh.

Dalai Lama’s envoy rubbishes China’s terror charge

By IANS, New Delhi : The Tibetan leader Dalai Lama's official representative Tempa Tsering has slammed China's accusation linking a Tibetan group with the Al Qaeda, saying it should not indulge in "such shocking propaganda" without any evidence. "It is absolutely baseless. Tibetans are by nature non-violent and peaceful and have nothing to do with terrorism," Tsering told IANS while reacting to a Chinese official's description of the Tibetan Youth Congress (TYC), an India-based group of young Tibetan activists, as a terrorist organisation.

Rajasthan Muslim Forum demands speedy trial of Babri Masjid cases

By staff reporter

Jaipur : Representative Muslim organisations in the State, under the banner of Rajasthan Muslim Forum, organised a meeting at Muslim Musafirkhana here Thursday to mark the 15th anniversary of the martyrdom of Babri Masjid.

Concerned citizens call for judicial reform, accountability

By Mumtaz Alam Falahi,, New Delhi: Concerned citizens and prominent law activists have given a call for judicial reform and accountability at 3rd National Convention on Judicial Accountability & Reform held here in New Delhi on 6-7 February.

Car bombing injures 29 soldiers in Colombia

By IANS, Bogota : At least 29 soldiers were injured in a car bomb blast near the Colombian border with Venezuela, military officials said.

CCTVs installed at AMU, students term it breach of privacy

By Faisal Fareed,, Lucknow: For the students of Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) the drama of Big Boss reality show will be enacted in their hostels and university campus. University administration citing security reasons has installed CCTVs in all boys hostels, university roads and gates to keep tab of developments. However, the inmates are annoyed terming it as an encroachment on their privacy.

Life sentence for Tariq Qasmi, bail for Sadhvi Pragya

By Masoom Moradabadi, A court in UP has sentenced the accused of Lucknow and Faizabad bomb blasts, Maulana Tariq Qasmi, to life imprisonment. A fine of Rs100,000 has also been imposed on him. Another co-accused in this case, Maulana Khalid Mujahid, had already died in 2013 while in police custody.

Bahrain circuit offers gift-card packages for Gulf

By DPA Sakhir (Bahrain) : Bahrain's Formula One circuit - the first in the Middle East to host a Grand Prix - is making a bid for a larger share of the Gulf's growing motor sports business with a new marketing plan. The Bahrain International Circuit (BIC) located outside the capital Manama, is making the move as competition from neighbouring Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates (UAE) heats up.

Kuwait striving for military cooperation with Bahrain – Ambassador

By NNN-KUNA Manama : Kuwaiti Ambassador to Bahrain Sheikh Azzam Mubarak Al-Sabah said Saturday that an upcoming visit to Manama by Kuwaiti Chief of Staff Air Marshal Fahad Al-Amir is expected to consolidate military and other relations between the two states. The ambassador, who spoke to Kuwait News Agency (KUNA), said the visit was aimed at completing coordination steps already started with the previous visit to Bahrain by Kuwait's First Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah.

Justice distant for Pakistani women: Mukhtaran Mai

By IANS Islamabad : Women victims of atrocities "get justice in time" in other nations but this remains an elusive dream in Pakistan, rape victim-turned rights activist Mukhtaran Mai says. "Atrocities and excesses are committed against women almost in every country but they get justice in time, but in Pakistan they are made to run from pillar to post for justice," she said. Mukhtaran was speaking to reporters after inaugurating a Civic Society Club in the Karachi suburb of Qasimabad, Dawn reported Sunday.

Curfew in Srinagar to prevent Muharram procession

By IANS, Srinagar : Curfew was imposed in several parts of this Jammu and Kashmir summer capital here Wednesday to prevent a Muharram procession.

Shawarma a fast-selling Arabic fast food in Hyderabad

By Mohammed Shafeeq, Hyderabad : It's evening and a group of youngsters flocking a popular eatery in Nampally are waiting for a piping hot Shawarma,...

Shabnum Wani: A Half widow who feels betrayed by both the Government and the...

In the last of the five personal stories of half widows, Raqib Hameed Naik narrates the story of Shabnum Wani. Bemina (Srinagar): On ...

Islam seeks peace & security instead of terrorism: Dr. Alauddin

By staff reporter,

Muzaffar Nagar (Utter Pradesh): Islam advocates the elimination of terrorism and injustice, said Dr Alauddin in a two-day training camp which was organized by Jama’at-e-Islami. He told that it was Jama’at-e-Islami that organized Anti-Terrorism Conference for the first time on January 2, 2008, in Lucknow’s Sahkarita Bhawan in which illustrious Ulema belonging to all schools of thought in India had participated.

DGP intervenes: PFI can hold rally in Kozhikode on Friday

By Staff Correspondent, Kozhikode: The Popular Front of India has been permitted to hold the public rally in Kozhikode on Friday after the organisation’s leaders held talks with the state DGP. The DGP’s permission was secured after the PFI promised to hold the rally and public meeting peacefully and without any provocations, according to reports.

Zakir Naik at No. 3 among India’s top 10 spiritual gurus

By Mumtaz Alam Falahi, New Delhi: India’s prominent Muslim spiritual guru Zakir Naik has been ranked at No. 3 among top 10 spiritual gurus from across religions in the country.

Muslims lead in remittances by non-resident Keralites

By Sanu George, IANS Thiruvananthapuram : A study on non-resident Keralites shows that the Muslim community in Kerala continues to lead the pack of emigrants from the state when it comes to remittances from abroad but has the lowest number of women expatriates. These results have come out in the third round of the Migration Monitoring Studies (MMS) being conducted by the Research Unit on International Migration of the Centre for Development Studies (CDSMRU). The Department of Non-Resident Keralite Affairs of the Kerala government is financing the studies.

Kashmir tense after Baramulla killings

By IANS, Srinagar : Curfew continued in Jammu and Kashmir's Baramulla town for the second day and restrictions were extended to other places in the valley Tuesday, a day after two protestors were killed in clashes with police following an allegation by a woman that she had been harassed by cops. The row that had triggered widespread protests Monday led to restrictions also being imposed in Sopore town and parts of the summer capital Srinagar.

Kejriwal meets Akhlaq’s family, calls lynching ‘unfortunate’

Greater Noida : Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Saturday met the bereaved family of Mohammad Akhlaq who was lynched here following rumours...

Tehelka expose claims a victim in BJP

By Rajeev Khanna, IANS Ahmedabad : The Tehelka expose on the Gujarat violence seems to have taken its first toll in the run up to the assembly elections in the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Godhra BJP legislator Haresh Bhatt has been denied the party ticket to contest the December ballot. Besides facing anti-incumbency and rebellion in the local unit, Bhatt was one of the prominent faces caught on the Tehelka tapes released in October.

Angry nomads want CBI probe into Bihar lynching

By Imran Khan Patna, Sep 17 (IANS) Poverty-stricken nomads in Bihar are angry and upset over the lynching of 10 suspected thieves by a mob in Vaishali district last week. The victims were Kueris, a sub-group of a nomadic tribe called Nat. Many nomads have reportedly fled from villages to towns while others are planning to migrate out of Bihar, fearing a threat to their lives in the wake of the lynching. Over 5,000 people had ran after a group of men, calling them thieves, and lynched 10 of them early Thursday in Dhelpurwa village near Hajipur, about 40 km from here.

Where Hindus join Shias to mourn Imam Hussain

By IANS, Muzaffarpur (Bihar) : A group of upper caste Hindus joined Shia Muslims here Sunday to commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Hussain, saying it was part of their tradition.

10 dead, 18 wounded in Iraq explosion


Baghdad : Ten people died in an explosion after a fuel tanker crashed into the Tikrit police command Sunday destroying its two-storey building, a police source in Tikrit said.

In Sunderbans, fishermen enter unchartered territories in search of livelihood

In the second of the four-part series, we look at how the livelihoods of the fishing community is increasingly under threat to overfishing,...

कांग्रेसी विधायक अजय राय से इलाहाबाद हाईकोर्ट ने रासुका हटाया, सपा सरकार सकते में

सिद्धांत मोहन, वाराणसी/इलाहाबाद: पिंडरा से विधायक और लोकसभा चुनाव में कांग्रेस के टिकट से नरेंद्र मोदी के खिलाफ खड़े प्रत्याशी पर से इलाहाबाद...

नज़ीर : संगीता से शाइस्ता बनने वाली युवती को 3 लाख की आर्थिक सुरक्षा...

तन्वी सुमन । Twocircles.Net लव जिहाद पर बहस के बीच इलाहाबाद हाई कोर्ट ने जीवनसाथी चुनने के अधिकार के साथ ही लड़की के आर्थिक...

India’s official growth target cut, outlook on inflation better

New Delhi : Cautioning that challenges remain in the Indian economy despite progress, the finance ministry has sharply cut its growth forecast for this...

Godhra panel gets extension, Nanavati hopes to wrap up by April

By IANS, Ahmedabad : Justice G.T. Nanavati, who is heading a commission probing the Godhra train burning tragedy and the ensuing communal violence in 2002, Saturday said the final report was likely to be completed by March or April, as the Gujarat government granted the panel a one-year extension. "With the Gujarat government giving a one-year extension (to the inquiry commission), I hope to finish my work by March or April," Nanavati told IANS. He said the inquiry now would relate to the violence in the state and the role of the police after the Feb 27, 2002 tragedy in Godhra.

‘Dirty Harry squad’ inspector hurt in Delhi shootout

By IANS, New Delhi : Delhi Police Inspector Mohan Chand Sharma, who was Friday battling for life after being critically injured in a shootout in Jamia Nagar here, is one of the force's most decorated officers. The Special Cell inspector has often been called for dangerous assignments - and so it was Friday when two terrorists were shot dead, one held while two managed to escape from Jamia Nagar in south Delhi after a half hour shootout. The 44-year-old, one of the Delhi Police's sharpshooters, received critical bullet injuries.

Nocturnal protests give sleepless night in south Kashmir

By Aadil Mir Anantnag : Nocturnal protests broke out in parts of south Kashmir on Monday night as thousands of angry men and women rallied...

AMU to set up IAS Coaching Academy

By RINA, New Delhi: The Government of India has agreed for setting up an IAS coaching academy at Aligarh Muslim University (AMU). Making the announcement AMU Vice Chancellor Prof. P. K. Abdul Azis said the government had asked for a detailed report of the project. “The proposed state of the art Academy will provide coaching to civil services aspirants, thus serve as a tool for better representation of Muslims in various sectors of economy”, informed Prof. Azis.

CBI files fifth Nithari charge-sheet, absolves Pandher


Ghaziabad : The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) Saturday filed the charge-sheet in the Nithari serial killings, and once again gave a clean chit to businessman Moninder Singh Pandher while his domestic aide Surinder Koli was charged with the rape and murder of a minor girl at Pandher's Noida house.

Vigilance starts questioning Amarinder in corruption case


Patiala : The Punjab vigilance bureau Monday started questioning former Congress chief minister Amarinder Singh in connection with a Rs.30 billion ($740 million) corruption case relating to construction of the sprawling Ludhiana City Centre.

HC quashes case against Swiss national in connection with function to remember Maoist activist

By TCN News, Kochi: The Kerala High Court has quashed a case against a Swiss national Jonathan Baud arrested for attending a function organised in memory of a Maoist activist at Valappad in Thrissur district and cleared the decks for his return home.

BJP MLA slaps Bihar Minister with case over Modi insult

Patna, (IANS): A BJP legislator on Thursday filed a case against Bihar Excise and Prohibition Minister Abdul Jalil Mastan over a video clip that...

Threats unfortunate, Power Greedy Mufti to stick: Dr Abdullah

By News Agency of Kashmir

Jammu : Holding Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) ministers directly responsible for failure of government in the state, former chief minister and chief patron of National Conference Dr Farooq Abdullah today said that the greed for power will never allow Mufti Muhammad Sayeed to pull out of the coalition.

Right’s panel upbeat about women’s reservation bill

By IANS, New Delhi: The National Commission for Women (NCW) Saturday expressed optimism over the passage of the women's reservation bill that will be tabled in parliament Monday and said it is a triumph of 14 years of struggle. "We are very happy that the 14-year long struggle of this bill has been finally acknowledged and given a momentum," NCW chairperson Girija Vyas told reporters.

“I am being targeted for dissent,” says banned AMU student Arif Khan

The Aligarh district administration banned Arif from entering the district for a period of 6 months labelling him as “dangerous” and “threat to society”. by...

Why Post-Matric Scholarship scheme failing in Maharashtra?

By TCN News, Mumbai: This is the second year of centrally-funded Post-Matric Scholarship scheme for minority students in Maharashtra. Thanks to lethargic attitude of officials, less than half of the target was achieved last year. This year the target itself has been halved rather than ensuring accountability and proper advertisement. The Central Government’s Post-Matric Scholarship scheme, one of three mega minority scholarship schemes being run in the country, is for minority students studying in junior, degree, and PG classes (non professional).

Yoga is not in conflict with any religion or belief system

By Sri Sri Ravi Shankar As we look forward to celebrating the 2nd International Yoga Day, we must understand yoga in totality. Yoga is one...

‘Destroy sheepskin of the sacrificial animal’ Muslims advised on the occassion of Bakrid

TCN News Eid Al Adha - BAKRID is falling on 12th August as per the Islamic calendar. Awami Insaaf Movement , a non-political organisation in Hyderabad,...

President, PM condole Mufti Sayeed’s death

New Delhi : The death of Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Mufti Muhammad Sayeed has left a huge void in the nation and in...

Woman serial killer may be involved in more murders

By IANS Bangalore : The 43-year-old woman serial killer arrested on Sunday may have murdered at least 10 women, and not six as thought earlier, after relatives of some more missing women stepped forward to suggest she could be behind their murders. The woman, Kempamma, was arrested from Kalasipalyam area in the heart of the city while she was trying to pawn jewellery she had stolen from her murdered victims.

Colors of Ramadan in Surat and Ahmadabad

By Ilyas Khan Pathan for,

Amit Shah gets notice for poll code breach

New Delhi : The Election Commission Monday issued notice to BJP leader Amit Shah for violating the model code of conduct through his speeches...

‘Emirates investment to put Pakistan on world energy map’

By IANS Islamabad : Pakistan's Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz said the United Arab Emirates (UAE) decision to invest in setting up of an oil refinery has put Pakistan on the energy map of the world. The Pakistani premier was speaking Tuesday shortly after the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Abu Dhabi's International Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC) and Pakistan government to set up an oil refinery in Khalifa Point.

Mortar shelling kills 12 in east Baghdad

Baghdad, Aug 19 (DPA) At least 12 Iraqis were killed Sunday and 31 wounded in the mortar shelling of an east Baghdad district, reported Arab broadcaster al-Arabiya. The attacks occurred near the Shia enclave known as Sadr City, the hotbed of followers of the radical cleric Moqtada al-Sadr. No further details were yet disclosed. Meanwhile, the wounded were immediately transported to al-Imam Ali hospital in Sadr City.

Muslim girl burnt alive in Bihar for ‘resisting sexual advances’, family alleges police inaction...

By Sami Ahmad,  Bihar: A twenty-year-old girl Gulnaz Khatoon from Rasulpur Habib village in Bihar was allegedly burnt alive for resisting sexual harassment by...

J&K: Irked by PDD, Bhaderwah villagers threaten poll boycott

By News Agency of Kashmir, Bhaderwah : Not only separatist in Kashmir have given the call for boycott of Assembly polls in Jammu and Kashmir but common people living in the villages of Bhaderwah have also threatened to boycott polls but the reason of people living in Sharekhi village of Bhaderwah is entirely different from that of separatists. The reason as mentioned by some aged as well as young people of the village Sharekhi village is electricity supply and ignorance by the PDD.

Missionary schools, hospitals closed in UP to protest attacks

Lucknow : Missionary schools and hospitals attached to them here and in ten districts were closed on Thursday to protest the repeated attacks on...

Kashmiris ask Sonia Gandhi about their missing kins

By News Agency of Kashmir Srinagar: Asking the whereabouts of their kins, a group of about thirty five members including the relatives of persons who have 'disappeared during insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir' held protest demonstrations out side the park, where UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi was addressing a gathering.

Municipality acquires Peer Bahram graveyard

By staff reporter

Burdwan : Municipality has acquired part of the historical Peer Bahram graveyard to develop a residential complex over it, causing resentment among the Muslims, reports Urdu daily Akhbar-e-Mashriq here.

Sacrifice essence of life: Message of Eid-ul-Azha

By Firoz Bakht Ahmed, IANS, Even as the country celebrates Eid-ul-Azha, the festival of sacrifice, the significance of it is often not understood.

Israel Rules out Negotiations with Hamas

By Prensa Latina Tel Aviv : Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Sunday ruled out cease-fire talks with the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, and called true war the current situation in Gaza Strip, where the Tel Aviv army often carries out offensives. In his speech at the weekly session of the Ministers Council, Ehud Olmert said that operations against that Palestinian region will continue as they have been conducted for many months until Hamas accepts the conditions of the Quarter for the Middle East.

Fanning Communal Flames? Analysing Assam CM Himanta Biswa Sarma’s Post-election Rhetoric Against Minorities

Arshad Ahmed, Guwahati: In a recent speech at a felicitation program, celebrating the victory of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and its allies in the...

A report on the performance of MPs from Uttar Pradesh

By Kashif-ul-Huda, TwoCircles.ent Our Government is trying everything possible for progress of Uttar Pradesh - Prime Minister Narendra Modi, February 4, 2017 in Meerut, Uttar...

‘तेजस्वी यादव में सीएम बनने की क़ाबलियत’ : वित्तमंत्री अब्दुल बारी सिद्दिक़ी

अफ़रोज़ आलम साहिल, पटना: बिहार के वित्तमंत्री अब्दुल बारी सिद्दीक़ी ने एक ख़ास बातचीत में लालूप्रसाद यादव के बेटे तेजस्वी यादव को...

1 killed in Lal Chowk shootout in Srinagar

By Sheikh Imran Bashir, AIP, Srinagar: One person was killed and four others were injured, including two CRPF personnel, when militants struck the heavily-guarded Lal Chowk commercial hub of the city on Tuesday morning. Three civilians identified as Mehrajuddin Wani of Rainawari locality, Mehrajuddin Shah of Nawa Kadal and Khursheed Ahmad Parray of Khansahib area of Budgam district received gunshot wounds in the attack and were admitted to a hospital where Parray 28 succumbed to his injuries, official sources said.

Congress to rake up NIT issue with government: Rahul

New Delhi : Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi on Tuesday met with some students of the NIT Srinagar and assured them that the party...

मुख्यमंत्री अखिलेश यादव के नाम खुला पत्र

मोहम्मद ज़ाकिर रियाज़, माननीय मुख्यमंत्री श्री अखिलेश यादव, मैं यह ख़त उत्तर प्रदेश का एक नागरिक और मुस्लिम होने की हैसियत से आपको लिख रहा हूं....

Kerala Haj Welfare Forum calls off agitation

By staff reporter

Kozhikode: Following talks with Union Minister of State for External Affairs, E. Ahamed, Kerala Haj Welfare Forum has postponed the agitation scheduled to be held on 21st February in front of Haj Committee Office here.

The Forum had planned to protest against the carelessness of the State Haj Committee in dealing with Hajis and non-distribution of Zamzam water to them. The office bearers of the organization also discussed other issues related to Haj pilgrims with the minister.

Israel fighter jets breach Lebanese airspace

By Xinhua Beirut : Israeli fighter jets breached Lebanese airspace on Friday and flew over southern Lebanese areas and the Bekaa Valley, the official National News Agency(NNA)reported. The report quoted security sources as saying that Israel's fighter jets flew at a high altitude over Arqoub, Hasbiya, West Bekaa, Iqlim Al-Tufah and Marjiyoun as well as over the south.

“Our men are innocent, have no connection with militancy,” families of 3 Kashmiri men...

By Auqib Javeed,  Srinagar: “I fear that the fate of my husband should not be like those Kashmiris who were implicated in fabricated cases...

Chudasama prime conspirator in Sohrabuddin killing: CBI

By IANS, Gandhinagar: The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) told a court Thursday that Deputy Commissioner of Police Abhay Chudasama, arrested by the agency for the 2005 killing of Sohrabuddin Sheikh in a fake shootout, knew Sheikh since 2001 and was using him to run an extortion racket. Chudasama, who was arrested Wednesday, was remanded in seven days' custody by the CBI court of Judge V.B. Barot in Ahmedabad.

India summons Iranian envoy over Kashmir remarks

By IANS, New Delhi : India Friday summoned the Iranian charge d' affaires and conveyed its "deep disappointment" over comments on Kashmir emanating from Tehran.

Is the Sangh Parivar trying to dismantle and delegitimise farmer protests in the country?

By Siddhant Mohan, The first four years of the Narendra Modi-led NDA government have already seen four big farmers’ protest in the country, and...

DMK councillors’ hand suspected in Sivaganga blast


Chennai : The Tamil Nadu police Saturday named two DMK councillors as perpetrators of a blast that killed a senior civic official Friday and began a manhunt to nab them.

Omar apprises PM, Chidambaram on Kashmir situation

By IANS, Srinagar: Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah Wednesday apprised Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Home Minister P.Chidambaram about the law and order situation in the Valley on a day when the army conducted flag marches in Srinagar. "Chief Minister Omar Abdullah apprised the prime minister and the union home minister of the latest law and order situation in the Valley," government sources said here, adding that he spoke to them on the phone.

Police “combing operation” in Mumbra shocks residents

By Irfan Usmani Mumbai: On March 13, between 1.30-2.00 a.m., about a dozen police vehicles, of which 7-8 were big vans, quietly reached Rasheed Compound...

बढ़े मदद को हाथ , पद्म श्री शरीफ चाचा की तबियत में सुधार,अब मिला...

स्टाफ़ रिपोर्टर। अयोध्या में लावारिस लाशों का अंतिम संस्कार करने वाले  83 वर्षीय मोहम्मद शरीफ के इलाज की सुध लेना शुरू हो गई हैं...

Singur to vote in third phase polling in Bengal Wednesday

Kolkata : In the backdrop of the Saradha chit fund scam overshadowing all other campaign issues, the Lok Sabha poll caravan moves deeper into...

UP minister booed at Meerut polling booth

Lucknow, (IANS) : Uttar Pradesh Labour and Employment Minister Shahid Manzoor faced a hostile crowd in Meerut's Kithaur constituency on Saturday when he visited a...

U.S. Senate passes bill on Iraq’s power-sharing gov’t

By Xinhua Washington : The U.S. Senate passed a non-binding bill on Wednesday calling for limiting the power of Iraq's federal government and give more control to Iraq's ethnically divided regions, U.S. media reported. The bill, cosponsored by Sen. Joseph Biden, D-Del. and Sen. Sam Brownback, R-Kan., was passed with a vote of 75-23. The bill advocates establishing a power-sharing agreement among ethnic factions similar to the one established in Bosnia in the 1990s.

Azad Maidan riot: One of rally organisers arrested

By IANS, Mumbai : One of the organisers of the Aug 11 protest march at Azad Maidan, which later turned violent, has been arrested, police said Monday.

BJP on top as Maharashtra sees 64 percent turnout

Mumbai: The BJP, which virtually contested against all others in Maharashtra, seemed set to make major gains with exit polls holding it to emerge...

13 civilians killed as Pakistan battles militants

By DPA Peshawar (Pakistan) : At least 13 civilians, including seven from one family, were killed Thursday in fresh clashes between government forces and Taliban fighters in Pakistan's troubled Swat Valley, officials said. A stray mortar round hit a house in the Deolai area of Swat, killing five children and their parents, as the rebels and soldiers exchanged fire overnight with heavy weapons, a local police official said, declining to be named. It was not clear whether militants or security forces had fired the shell that turned the house into rubble.

Rights group welcomes punishment in Bilkis Bano case

By IANS Ahmedabad : The People's Union of Civil Liberties (PUCL) Monday termed the life sentences awarded to the 11 accused in the Bilkis Bano case as a victory for the "Indian judiciary". Gautam Thaker, general secretary of the organisation, told IANS that the conviction and the punishment in the case is not a victory for any "person, caste or creed" but a victory of the judiciary. Although delayed, justice has not been denied, he said. "This is the biggest certificate for Indian judiciary," he commented on the sentences pronounced in a special court in Mumbai.

Netanyahu blasts UNHRC for endorsing Gaza war crimes report

Jerusalem: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has slammed a decision by the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) to endorse a report accusing Israel and...

Timings of Ram Lalla ‘darshan’ in Ayodhya extended

Lucknow, (IANS): In view of the heavy rush of devotees in the temple town of Ayodhya, the timing for ‘darshan at the makeshift temple housing...

Iraqi PM determined in execution of “Chemical Ali”

By Xinhua

Baghdad : Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki said Sunday that he is determined in executing "Chemical Ali" and two aides of Saddam Hussein.

At a news conference held in Baghdad, the prime minister said that "We are determined that the law be applied and those (convicted) be handed over to judicial system."

With love from melodious papa to son Omar

By IANS, Jammu : As Omar Abdullah was Monday sworn in the youngest chief minister of Jammu and Kashmir, father Farooq congratulated his son melodiously. Asked how he felt after his 38-year-old son's elevation, Farooq began singing: “Papa Kahte hain achha kaam karega; logon ki mushkil door karega; logon ko aagey le jaayega; Kaam mushkil hai zaroor; irada nek hai to phir sab kuchh ho jayega”. (Papa wishes the son will do well, he will mitigate peoples' problems. The job is difficult but if the intention is good, everything will be done successfully).

Gurgaon doctors used to sell kidneys to foreigners illegally

Gurgaon, Jan 25 (IANS) Five people arrested from this Haryana town on the outskirts of the national capital for allegedly luring poor men from Uttar Pradesh and illegally selling their kidneys used to cater to patients from Nepal, Lebanon, Dubai and Greece, police officials said Friday. Policemen from Gurgaon and Uttar Pradesh Thursday night arrested five people, including a doctor, during a raid at a private hospital here.

A green marriage solemnised in Bihar to save the environment

By Imran Khan Patna : This is one marriage in Bihar that could not have gone more green. The bride and the groom planted saplings of...

Fresh Israeli air strike kills three Gaza militants

By Xinhua Gaza : Three Palestinian militants were killed and two wounded in a fresh Israeli air strike before dawn on Thursday in northern Gaza Strip town of Beit Hanoun, medics and witnesses said. Witnesses said that an Israeli aircraft struck a group of militants gathered near the southern entrance to the town to confront the Israeli army tanks and vehicles which rolled into the town on Wednesday afternoon. Medics at Kamal Odwan Hospital in northern Gaza Strip said three people were killed and two wounded in the Israeli air strike.

Young UP bureaucrats scripting change, garnering goodwill

By Mohit Dubey Lucknow : A young 'collector saheb' sipping piping hot coffee and munching 'laiyya-chana' at a chaupal with wide-eyed villagers, a young woman...

Yogi Adityanath booked after nude picture of tribal women shared on his fanpage Staff Reporter An Adivasi woman from Assam, Laxmi Orang, has filed a case against Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Aditynath and Ram Prasad Sarma,...

Government pension scheme for Indians abroad

By IANS, Kochi: The Indian government is promoting a new Pension and Life Insurance Fund (PILF) scheme in a bid to provide financial security to poor Indians working abroad.

What Delhi HC means by Umar Khalid bail verdict: Even it’s a lie, witness...

The court held that protests against the contentious citizenship legislation and subsequent 'chakka jam' (blockade) was part of a "premeditated" conspiracy.  TCN Staff Correspondent NEW...

Israeli operation in Gaza ends with 3 Palestinians killed

By Xinhua Gaza : The Israeli tanks and bulldozers, which invaded central Gaza Strip on Thursday's predawn, had pulled out in the night and the military operation had killed three Palestinians and injured eight others, witnesses and medics said. The witnesses said about ten Israeli tanks and armored bulldozers, backed by helicopters, rolled about one kilometer into the eastern part of al-Bureij refugee camp in central Gaza Strip.

Cycle rickshaws: Poor man’s lifeline in Bangladesh

By Qaiser Mohammad Ali


Dhaka : One of the first things that attract the attention of a foreigner here is the colourfully decorated cycle rickshaws, the lifeline of the common man, on which about 10 percent of the 140 million-plus population of Bangladesh depends for transport.

UN restates support for Lebanon’s free, fair polls

By Xinhua Beirut : The United Nations has restated its support for a free and fair presidential election in Lebanon, Naharnet news website reported Wednesday. The report said the statement also reiterates adherence to implementation of all UN Security Council resolutions on Lebanon, particularly 1559, 1680 and 1701. Members of the Security Council ... "call for timely, free and fair presidential election in accordance with constitutional norms and away from any external interference," said the draft statement.

‘Career Fest Vision 2015’ to start tomorrow in Mumbai

Abdul Hameed, Mumbai: In order to provide a guideline to the students, a two-day ‘Vision 2015’ fest is being held from April, 11, 2009 at Saboo Siddik College in Byculla. Various Muslim organizations like Anjuman-e-Islam, KAWISH, Association of Muslim Professionals, Students Solidarity Forum, Urdu Head Masters Association and Vidharbh Welfare Association are organizing the fest.

Panels to speed up recommendations on AFSPA

By IANS, Jammu : The Unified Command Wednesday evening asked the two panels looking into the question of revoking the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) to "speed up" their recommendations.

‘Vande Mataram’ controversy needless: Mohsina Kidwai

By IANS, New Delhi : Congress general secretary Mohsina Kidwai Tuesday said the controversy over "Vande Mataram" was needless and added that it was up to the people whether they wanted to sing the national song or not. "Those who say that if you sing the song, you are not Muslims and those who say that you have to sing the song to prove your patriotism are both wrong," Kidwai told IANS. The Congress leader said "Vande Mataram" was not a religious song and added that it was recited at sessions of the All India Congress Committee (AICC).

Let’s be a Valentine to the society: SIO

By news desk, New Delhi: The Mumbai unit of the Students Islamic Organisation of India will celebrate Valentine's Day with a difference in college campuses and other places in Mumbai on February 14, 2009. “Today Valentine's Day promotes unethical male-female relations. The celebration of Valentine's Day is nothing, but giving open license to the youth to indulge in immoral acts. SIO opposes such behaviour strongly and believe that such activities erode moral and family values,” says the organization.

Indian firm attacked in Afghanistan, no casualties

By IANS, New Delhi: Taliban insurgents attacked an Indian road construction company in Afghanistan's Khost province Saturday and torched some vehicles, but the raiders were beaten back, Afghan officials said. The Afghan interior ministry said that insurgents -- who it did not identify -- attacked the company in Domanda district shortly after Friday midnight. It said the attack failed. "The security forces in the area acted quickly after which the insurgents fled," an Afghan statement said. It said there were no casualties but some vehicles were partly damaged.

UAE upports Iran-IAEA talks

By NNN-IRNA Dubai : United Arab Emirates supports negotiations between Iran and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), said a UAE foreign ministry official Sunday evening. According to UAE Deputy Foreign Minister Tarigh Al-Heidan in his meeting with Iranian Ambassador to this Persian Gulf state, Iran has chosen a right course in its interactions with the UN atomic agency and other international bodies.

Terror manual details custard-pie killings

By DPA, Sydney : Glue inside a custard pie thrown in the face of a victim could effect a neat assassination, according to a terrorism manual produced as an exhibit at a court here in a case that could land terror suspect Belal Khazaal in jail. Another method recommended in the 102-page manual was enveloping the person to be killed in a strong plastic bag, the court was told Friday.

Muslims condemn isolation, searches after blasts, shootout

By IANS, New Delhi : An umbrella body of Indian Muslims Monday condemned the isolation of the community and random searches in Muslim majority areas in the wake of the serial blasts in Delhi and the subsequent shootout between police and suspected terrorists in Jamia Nagar. “We cannot live like a different community in our nation. It is not right to target the whole community for the wrongs of a select few,” A.H. Noomani, general secretary of the Jamiat-ulama-i-Hind and also member of the Coordination Committee of Indian Muslims, said at a press conference here.

सबसे अधिक वोटों से जीतकर विधायक बनने वाले 10 उम्मीदवार

अफ़रोज़ आलम साहिल, वारिसनगर: इस विधानसभा सीट से जदयू उम्मीदवार अशोक कुमार लोजपा के चंद्रशेखर राय को 58573 वोटों से हराकर इस बिहार विधानसभा...

Goa Catholics upset over deputy CM’s comment

Panaji : Catholics living in Goa can be called Indian Christians but not Hindu Christians, the Catholic Association of Goa said Thursday criticizing Deputy...

Gay sex legalised in India, religious leaders protest

By IANS, New Delhi : Gay sex Thursday won legal sanction in India after the Delhi High Court passed a landmark ruling that was hailed by gay rights activists but denounced by religious leaders as an assault on God. In a judgment that followed eight years of judicial battle, the Delhi High Court read down section 377 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), quoting Jawaharlal Nehru to emphasise that the constitution guaranteed homosexuals rights equal to what other citizens enjoy.

Sania honoured with Padma Bhushan

New Delhi : Indian tennis star Sania Mirza was conferred with Padma Bhushan at a glittering investiture at Rashtrapati Bhavan here on Tuesday for...

SP wins 4 assembly seats, sure to win Mainpuri LS seat

Lucknow : The ruling Samajwadi Party (SP) in Uttar Pradesh Tuesday won four Assembly seats in the bypolls and was leading in four. The SP...
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