Role of Media in pushing negative stereotypes of Muslims

By Salma Shah, The rise of anti-Muslim hatred across the globe is the ramification of the negative stereotypical depiction of the religion of Islam...

The forgotten massacre of Muslims in Moradabad, forty years later

By Tazeen Junaid On 13 August 1980, Moradabad police indiscriminately opened fire on thousands of namazis (worshippers) in the Eidgah, killing hundreds of them, many...

Retaliating against the Pen with the Sword is not the Way of Islam: Understanding...

By Abhik Bhattacharya The falling of Bhoomi Puja in Ayodhya and the celebration of the first anniversary of Kashmir being constitutionally stripped off its special...

Reasons for decline of Muslim participation in Civil Services

By Mohammed Junaid,  The civil service has long been regarded as the ‘steel frame’ of administration in India right from colonial days. The colonial...

‘Liberal’, ‘Ambedkerite’ Islamophobia and communal violence: A counter narrative

By Dr Mohammad Kamran Ahsan As hate becomes the fulcrum, and the new normal of Indian polity, various view-points have emerged analysing this institutionalised hatred...

Ram Mandir Bhumi Pujan: the monumentalization of Muslim persecution in India

By Anwer Hussain Azad The construction of a Ram Mandir in Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh was a political promise of BJP which is formally coming up as...

A year after abrogation of Article 370, Kashmir is tragedy in making

By Firdous Khan The first anniversary of the abrogation of Article 370 is around the corner in Jammu and Kashmir. It was on August 5...

Where is Muslim leadership of the new generation in India?

By Shamsher Alam Veteran leadership is considered a hallmark of political discourse. However, a political party cannot be run only by the old leaders. New leadership...

This hilly region in Kashmir is prospective front for gateway to Central Asia

By Rahmat Bhat, Like a jewel in the crown of a king, sits the beautiful valley of Karnah at Shamsbari range in north-west Kashmir....

Fight for justice in India and USA: Similarities and faultlines

By Amina Mirza,  While the world is fighting the invisible enemy COVID-19 - the two oldest and largest democracies, the United States and India,...

Tinkering with school syllabus a bad move, doesn’t bode well for democracy

By Asad Mirza, In a completely uncalled for move, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has revised its syllabus for students of Classes...

The Curious Case of Sharjeel Usmani and Psychological Cognitive Distortion Disorder of Islamophobic crowd

By Tarafdar Zaman Human right activist Sharjeel Usmani was picked by Uttar Pradesh police from his Azamgarh home on Wednesday evening. His brother said that...

भोजन,न्याय और सद्भावना की बात करने वाले हर्ष मंदर निशाने पर क्यों हैं ?

जावेद अनीस किसी भी लोकतान्त्रिक समाज में सिविल सोसाइटी की भूमिका को नजरअंदाज नहीं किया जा सकता. नागिरकों के अधिकार आधारित विमर्श और मांगों को...

वैचारिक असहमति, विरोध की आवाज़ “नए भारत” में है अपराध!

मशकूर उस्मानी, डॉक्टर बी आर अंबेडकर ने संविधान सभा के समापन भाषण में कहा था, "मैं समझता हूँ कि कोई संविधान चाहें जितना अच्छा...

ख़्वाजा ग़रीब नवाज़ की शान लिखा गया में मौलाना अरशद मदनी का यह लेख...

जमीयत उलेमा ए हिन्द के सदर मौलाना अरशद मदनी ने मशहूर संत ख़्वाजा मोईनुद्दीन चिश्ती की शान में यह लेख लिखा  है। इसमे उन्होंने...

Post Article 370: Immediate Police Reforms needed in Jammu & Kashmir

By Dr Raja Muzaffar Bhat It has been more than 7 years since Omar Abdullah led  government in Jammu & Kashmir, before tabling J&K Police...

Fate of India under oath-taking supremacists

By Kashif Umair Are human beings equal? Are some human beings superior over others? This is a question all societies of all ages have grappled...

Jamia improved its ranking despite protests, crackdown, lockdown

By Md Mustafa Recently, National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) released its most awaited ranking of top universities in India. According to its website, its framework...

Govt. misusing laws to detain students, activists critical of CAA, NRC, says former AMU...

By Ghazala Ahmad, In December last year, the ruling Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) decided to introduce a nationwide registry of citizens known...

Is India moving towards a totalitarian society?

By Dr. Maskoor Ahmad Usmani, Establishments around the world are trembling, and people have lost faith in capitalism. Earlier people from lower strata thought...

Different economic strokes to COVID’s single stroke

By Asad Mirza While the countries across the globe are grappling with Covid-19’s current situation and its aftermath, they are also focussing on how to...

Longread: Genealogy of Islamophobia and Construction of Muslims as Enemy in India

By Mohammad Saif Being a Muslim in India is one of the biggest threats since the last few years, particularly in the reign of the...

COVID-19 and mounting woes of Indian farmers

By Mohammed Junaid  Ompal Singh, a 50-year-old farmer from Muzaffarnagar, sugarcane belt of Uttar Pradesh, ended his life on 4 June 2020 allegedly over the...

Teaching with the technology: solution or sacrifice

By Raashid Nehal and Waquar Ahmad Khan Robert Frost in his famous poem ‘The Road Not Taken’ symbolizes road as the choice we make in...

Killing of elephant in Kerala has nothing to do with Malapurram Muslims

Syed Ali Mujtaba Anti-Muslim propaganda fails to die in India. After the Tablighi Jamaat episode, now Muslims of Malappuram district of Kerala are being targeted...

Crowd Management, Digitalization and Swachh Bharat Abhiyan: new ways for COVID-19 management in India

By Dr Ahmed Raza With the passing of 68 days of nationwide lockdown in India, the central government has now extended ongoing lockdown till June...

Is new Industrial Revolution in offing post COVID-19 pandemic?

By Md Arif Hussain With the nationwide lockdown in India easing from June 1, the COVID-19 pandemic seems to be far from over. Safety, precautions...

100 years of Jamia Milia Islamia: Why the university is not ‘anti-national’?

By Md Mustafa   This year Jamia Millia Islamia University is celebrating 100 years of its founding (1920 to 2020) and in all these years, it...

Coronavirus and the myth of freedom

By Muhammed Tauqeer  It’s been more than 70 years since the independence of India, an arduous journey of freedom from the British colonial rule; a...

Only Nehru’s inclusive vision will save India

By Sarfaraz Nasir For more than two months into the Coronavirus epidemic, India has consistently recorded the highest reported case and highest death rate among...

Longread: Believing women who pray, evidence from scripture and history

By Roshan Nageena Women and their status, role and position in society is a topic close to my heart. A picture widely circulated in WhatsApp...

Can humanism survive the onslaught of hate?

By Ram Puniyani Lately, when India is undergoing the massive crisis of the Coronavirus epidemic and the offshoots of its mishandling, we have also seen...

Blaming Muslims for spreading COVID-19 is a ‘New Normal’ in India

By Mohammad Saif Since 2014, in the wake of the Modi Government in India, the alarming transformation of Indian politics is looking dangerous towards Indian...

कांधों पर दर्द की गठरी लादे मेहनतकशों के लिए दर्दमंदी की चादर लेकर...

मुसलसल चलने वालों के लिए भोपाल में मुसलसल जारी है ख़िदमत का दौर हाईवे पर दिन-रात मौजूद रहते हैं ख़िदमतगार खाना, पानी, दूध,...

Politics of Sedition under the cloak of National Interest

Syed Ghiasuddin Zafar-ul-Islam Khan, Chairman of Delhi Minority Commission became the centre of a controversy for his tweet dated 28th April 2020. The tweet thanked...

‘Tyag’, ‘Tapasya’ and the long march of migrant labourers

By Sarfaraz Nasir and Absar Alam Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (“the world is a single family”), a maxim of India’s socio-cultural unity in diversity, is deeply rooted...

Why does Indian Media detest Muslims so much?

Syed Ali Mujtaba Indian Muslims always get bad press and the blame is put on the community for not doing anything spectacular that may give...

As an Indian Muslim I have a dream and this is it

As Islamophobia rages in India and Indian Muslims continue to be blamed for the spread of the coronavirus, Indian journalist Mazhar Farooqui came up with...

Collective failure in protecting the rights of migrant labourers

Dr Farrukh Khan and Somya Mishra During this entire period of back-to-back 3 lockdowns and 4th version coming soon, if there is someone who has...

इक़बाल नियाज़ी: उर्दू ड्रामों की आन बान शान

(इक़बाल नियाज़ी के जन्मदिन 15 मई पर विशेष लेख)   निबंधकार: डॉ नाज़ ख़ान   वो चाँद है तो अक्स भी पानी में आएगा किरदार ख़ुद उभर के कहानी...

Social Media as a Public Sphere: Where it is Heading?

By Shamsher Alam The German philosopher Jürgen Habermas has given a concept known as ‘Public Sphere’. He defined the public sphere as “a realm of...

Finding Legality of ‘Lockdown” under Indian legal framework

By Dr Farrukh Khan and Somya Mishra As the entire nation feels trapped amidst a lockdown, it is pertinent to understand the meaning of the...

Why our whole society is ‘Boys Locker Room’

By Mansi Singh A large number of people took to social media after the recent Boy's Locker room incident to express their rage and anger...

Non-involvement of religious representatives in Muslim think tank IMPAR a concern

By Syed Khizar Ahmed There is an excellent initiative in the news concerning the Muslims of India that over 200 prominent Muslims of India have...

Can we put a brake on rampant Islamophobia?

Dr Ram Puniyani  Islamophobia as a word came more into vogue after 9/11 2001 twin tower attack. In the aftermath the American media popularised the...

Challenges and remedies of dealing with social media hate-mongering

By Dr Farrukh Khan I have been thinking of writing this for a long time, but could not do it due to facing backlash from...

Childbirths amid lockdown: Institutional measures needed

Amid the ongoing lockdown in Inda, non-institutional deliveries have been frequently reported. Dr. Ahmed sheds light on the need to prevent these by strengthening...

Structural Barriers to Media Openness in Kashmir

By Tanveer Ahmad Khan and Wasia Hamid The modern age is one of global interactions wherein local happenings are shaped by the events taking place miles away...

IMPAR : 200+ thought leaders form think tank to present true picture of Indian...

By Yusuf Ansari, For a few years, the country has been witnessing agencies and individuals come up with unique ways to malign the name...

As world fights coronavirus, Kashmir struggles for information and education

By Sajid Bukhari Government of a country whose constitution has promised ‘Right to Equality’ under Article 14 even to foreigners, has segregated 1.25 crore residents...

The calls from the constitution and how can we hear them?

By Md Farrukh Ilyas  Amidst the global chaos due to COVID19, the world is witnessing a new settlement for its respective governance. The global village...

The UAE should do more to combat Islamophobia

By Mohib Ahmad, Hate crimes against Indian Muslims had skyrocketed after BJP stalwart Narendra Modi came to power in 2014, gaining more fuel after...

Never let a crisis go to waste

By Artuk, Be it Judaism, Christianity or Islam - “Call of repentance” has been proclaimed by all the Abrahamic faiths in view of COVID19. ...

COVID19 and the transformation of social spaces

By Shiveshwar Kundu The Coronavirus pandemic has unleashed a cycle of fear and anxiety among citizens around the globe. The virus has claimed lakhs of...

Kind gestures not brute force is the way for policemen on the frontline of...

By Dr Nadeem Jilani As a doctor myself, reports of attacks on doctors from various places are profoundly disturbing and we must condemn such incidents...

“We will make graffitis once university opens” : Jamia student who suffered fracture in...

Md  Mustafa If you have ever been in Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI) after December 15, you would notice the beautiful paintings and graffiti that have...

A new environmental world order awaits post Covid-19 (Corona) era

By Anwar Khursheed and Zoony Zainab, The human race takes it upon itself to perform the dual role of both the destroyer and the...

एक के बाद एक ग़लती करके मोदी खो रहे हैं देश की जनता के...

संजय तिवारी सोमवार शाम को जब यह ख़बर आई कि मोदी मंगलवार की सुबह 10:00 बजे देश के नाम संदेश देंगे तू लोगों को उम्मीद...

Lockdown Lessons: Laws needed, but civic sense sits at the heart of the fight...

Dr. Ahmed Raza Being the world’s second most populous country, India has geared up to fight Covid19 by initiating persistent efforts towards health care management,...

It is high time Indian IT companies update their Social Media policy on hate...

Dr M B Ahmed How many of you have had to leave a WhatsApp group or unfriend a Facebook friend or stop accessing your Twitter...

गोयबल्स की तरह फैलाई जा रही है मुसलमानों के ख़िलाफ़ नफ़रत, जोंबियों में बदल...

गिरीश मालवीय एक बात पर गौर कीजिए। रविवार को पंजाब के पटियाला में लॉकडाउन के दौरान गाड़ी में बैठे निहंग सिख ने एक पुलिसकर्मी के...

तबलीग़ियों ने जाहिलाना हरकतों से कोरोना फैलाया तो इन पढ़े लिखों ने क्या किया!

अश्वनी शुक्ला माना कि तबलीग़ियों ने अपनी आउटडेटेड विचारधारा और जाहिलाना हरकतों से  हजारों लोगों के जीवन को संकट में डाल दिया। लेकिन आधुनिक शिक्षा...

Is it Right for India to Lift Partial ban on Hydroxychloroquine Supply?

Shamsuzzaman Ansari   Hydroxychloroquine’s efficacy in treating COVID-19 patients is yet to be shown in large randomized clinical trials India can produce up to 70...

लॉकडाउन में गुरूग्राम की अमेरिकी कंपनी ने निकाले 800 कर्मचारी, क्यों चुप हैं खट्टर-मोदी

यूसुफ़ किरमानी लॉकडाउन में जब आप घरों में क़ैद हैं। ऐसे में गुड़गांव में अमेरिकन कंपनी फेयर पोर्टल (Fareportal) ने अपने 800 कर्मचारियों को कंपनी...

प्रेमचंद चाचा’ ने ‘अबू बशर’ के कांधे पर अंतिम यात्रा कर निकाली नफ़रत के...

कृष्णकांत वे अभियान चला रहे थे कि किसी मियां के हाथ से सब्जी न ख़रीदो, तभी प्रेमचंद चाचा ने अबू बशर मियां के कांधे पर...

India could turn into next Italy if testing for COVID19 remains this slow

By Dr Nadeem Jilani The world is in the grip of a raging pandemic. Every country is taking steps to contain it. Indian Government has...

The rise of India’s Balcony Class

By Shimul, The last few days have been hard. When it becomes a choice between holding on and giving up, unlike the vast majority...

हेल्थकेयर के राष्ट्रीयकरण की मांग को लेकर सुप्रीम कोर्ट में याचिका दाख़िल

TCN Staff Reporter  नई दिल्ली। COVID-19 महामारी के नियंत्रित होने तक स्वास्थ्य सेवा क्षेत्र और संबंधित सेवाओं के राष्ट्रीयकरण की मांग के लिए सुप्रीम कोर्ट...

मुसलमानों की तरह दलितों को भी किया जा सकता है बदनाम, ऐसे मनाएं अंबेडकर...

संजीव ख़ुदशाह कोरोना लॉक डाउन के दौरान डॉक्टर अंबेडकर की जयंती (14 अप्रैल) पड़ने वाली है। ऐसी स्थिति में स्वाभाविक है कि बहुजन समाज या...

It’s time to be united against COVID-19 to save the country and countrymen

Ibrahim Ahmad  With over 15 lakh positive cases and almost 89000 deaths as of today April 9, the devastation from Covid-19 is growing exponentially. India...

Coronavirus pandemic and Indian Muslims: Action Plan

By Kashif-ul-Huda and Dr. Shamsuz Zaman India is anarchy at the best of times. The reason the country seems to be functional is due to...

मुसलमानों के ख़िलाफ़ मीडिया के प्रोपेगेंडा ने तैयार कर दी है लिंचिंग की ज़मीन

वसीम अकरम त्यागी मुसलमानों के ख़िलाफ़ छेड़े गए मीडिया के प्रोपेगेंडा युद्ध के दुष्परिणाम सामने आने शुरू हो गए हैं। 2 दिन पहले दिल्ली में...

विकास और सांप्रदायिकता के बलबूते देश की गद्दी हासिल करना चाहते हैं केजरीवाल!

तारिक़ अनवर चम्पारणी  मैं कल तक कुछ और सोच रहा था। मगर आज थोड़ा अलग सोच रहा हूं। मीडिया द्वारा तब्लीग़ी जमाअत पर फैलाये जा...

Envisioning a post-Apocalypse India

By Shah Nawaz Afaque, A lot of speculations are being made as to what would nation-states look like after the pandemic recedes. Some experts believe...

Islamophobia in Times of Corona

NailaAlavi At a time when the world is drenched in the fear of a decreasing possibility to see a new tomorrow, Modi government is busiest...

धर्म प्रचार नहीं, मुसलमानों को इस्लाम के मुताबिक़ जीना सिखाती है तबलीग़ जमात

यूसुफ़ अंसारी,  पिछले कई दिनों से तबलीग़ जमात और दिल्ली के हज़रत निज़ामुद्दीन स्थित उसका मरकज़ तमाम मीडिया चैनलों और अख़बारों की सुर्ख़ियां बना...

Not Just BJP, it is the Indian State which is Islamophobic

By Iqbal Salahkar Exactly six years back, in the first week of April 2014, the polling for Lok Sabha elections began. BJP-led-National Democratic Alliance, registering...

Corona Jihad, the newest on the block in Godi Media

Mahmood Hussain Let me begin with a disclaimer – I am not a member of the Tableeghi Jamaat and I am not their advocate. All I...

Dealing with Corona Virus: No place for blind Faith

Dr. Ram Puniyani The World today (March 2020) is gripped with the pandemic of Corona Virus. While it began from China, currently it has gripped...

“हालात तो सहाबा पर भी आए है, इससे भी मुश्किल आएं है अल्लाह हिम्मत...

तबलीग़ के साथ मेरे अनुभव आसमोहम्मद कैफ़। तबलीग़  जमात की इतनी  बैकवर्ड है कि मैंने अंग्रेजी बोलना ही इनसे सीखा था। मैं हिंदी मीडियम का छात्र रहा...

निज़ामुद्दीन मरकज़ के बहाने सरकार की ख़ामियों पर पर्दा डालने की कोशिश

साजिद अशरफ़ क्या इनका क़ुसूर सिर्फ़ इतना भर है कि इन्होंने लॉकडाउन के उस दिशा निर्देश का पालन किया, जिसमें कहा गया है कि जो...

कोरोना पर हिंदू-मुस्लिम मत करो, सवाल पूछो

प्रभात शुंगलू दिल्ली के निज़ामुद्दीन इलाके में तबलीग़ी जमात की बैठक के बाद जो लोग अपने अपने राज्य वापस लौटे थे, उनमें से नौ लोगों...

Is Social Distancing: Myth or Panic?

Istikhar Ali, Lochan Sharma Diseases have always harmed society’s cohesion, not just with its consequences, but the myth that broadens distance within family and society...

Living as a subaltern in India amid Corona pandemic

By Chand Mahal Ruby and Ruhail Andrabi  On 25th March the prime minister of India, Narendra Modi, announced a 21 days countrywide lockdown, millions of...

कोरोना से कैसे लड़ें, मोदी सरकार को इन देशों से सीखना चाहिए

सीमा आज़ाद दुनिया भर से कोरोना से लोगों के बीमार होने और मरने की खबरें आ रही हैं, लेकिन जब कोरोना भारत पहुंचा, तो इसे...

Kabul to Delhi: Massacre in the name of faith

Dr. Nadeem Zafar Jilani I am speechless hearing the news of the attack on Sikh worshippers in a Gurudwara in Kabul. At a time of...

Does Religion Matter? Communal Violence in India

Dr. Ram Puniyani The carnage or to put it more precisely the anti Muslim violence in Delhi (February-March 2020) has shaken us all. Analysts are...

Dear Muslims, persecution should drive you to reason, not religion

By Iqbal Salahkar Protests against National Population Register (NPR), National Register of Citizens (NRC) and Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) dominated India’s political discourse in the...

Is Capital punishment the justice we long for?

Naila Alavi March 20, 2020 Friday, 5:00 AM – “Today, justice has been done after seven years.” These are the words of a mother longing for...

Janta Curfew: Unlike India, Kashmir had been forced to do it for 6 months

As COVID-19 brought the world to a halt, troubles faced by the people in Kashmir can be imagined, though to a much lesser extent By...

‘Bharat Mata ki Jai’ and Contemporary Nationalism in India

Dr. Ram Puniyani Like most of the political phenomenon, even the practice of Nationalism is not a static one. It changes with the changing political...

Why this is a good time to talk about the Caste Census

By Tanoj Meshram for The Maharashtra assembly on the initiative of its speaker Mr. Nana Patole - who is also an important OBC leader...

Ayodhya Verdict: Hindus get ownership of disputed land, Muslims to get alternate site

By Staff Reporter The ownership of the disputed land in Ayodhya will be given to Hindus while Muslims will be allotted an alternate land...

Is Onam an inclusive festival?

As people of Kerala celebrate Onam, this article tries to critically explore the emerging counter narrative of historically oppressed section against sustaining casteist tradition. By...

In Tamil Nadu, Hindus observe ‘Allah Festival’ on eve of Muharram

By Syed Ali Mujtaba Muharram is first month of the Islamic New Year. This month holds special place for the Muslims all over the world...

Why did Maulana Madani and Mohan Bhagwat meet

The meeting between Jamiat-e-Ulema-Hind (A) chief Maulana Arshad Madani and RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat on August 30th Friday triggered a storm in the Muslim...

Pray tell us where is the economy going?

Dr Mohammad Manzoor Alam Over the last several months we have been hearing claims about the economy going great guns. Government leaders tell us that...

How to utilise the occasion of Eid Ul Azha – ‘Bakri’ Eid wisely in...

By Dr Sajid A.H Khan On Monday 11 th August 2019, majority of India’s Muslim community will celebrate Eid ul Hajj or Eid ul Azha...

Playing for Corporates

By Asif Husain Sporting fever has gripped the whole world. All year round we have world cups and tournaments taking place and a good number...

Muslims under Modi 2.0

By Haamim Kutub Javed Ahmed National Democratic Alliance ( NDA) is now no longer identified as such. It is Modi 2.0. The brand that catapulted...

गाय से जय श्री राम तक कैसा हंगामा?

फ़ैसल फ़ारूक़ झारखंड के भीड़ हिंसा में तबरेज़ अंसारी की मौत पर देश भर में विरोध जारी है। तबरेज़ को इंसाफ़ दिलाने के लिए देश...

New stage of Muslim disempowerment -2

Dr Mohammad Manzoor Alam A few days ago, in this column I had discussed how the Muslim representation in parliament had been brought down to...

Remembering Abdul Qaiyum Ansari and Abdul Hameed: the Messiahs of Social Justice ...

By Shahnawaz Ahmad Ansari  I extend warm homage on the Birthdays of the duo nationalists: Freedom fighter-Abdul Qaiyum Ansari and War-fighter (warrior) Abdul Hameed. Perhaps,...

New stage of Muslim disempowerment

Dr Mohammad Manzoor Alam One of the less examined and analysed aspects of the recent Lok Sabha elections is the stark fact that the old...

Saffron calling in West Bengal…

By Shiveshwar Kundu Bengal's society can't function without ideology. The upsurge of Hindutva in the eastern state can be seen through the aspect of an...

Ayodhya imbroglio 1949-2019: Need to restitute and indemnify Muslim sociopolitical losses

Dr Syed Zafar Mahmood Of late, some people have been approaching the Muslim community leaders persuading them to welcome the Supreme Court decision if it...

Are Muslims’ indirectly helping in making India a ‘Hindu Rashtra’?

By Hem Raj Jain Since late eighties and especially after the demolition of Babri Mosque in 1992 by Hindutva forces in the presence of the...

Understanding BJP’s victory: Critical questions, electorate response and the way forward

By Md. Aariz Imam The reconciliatory efforts by the country’s largest minority should focus on establishing a SHURA, a council of visionaries on the lines...

TV serials and the rise of Hindutva

ShahNawaz Khan I would argue Ramanand Sagar, and not the BJP, started laying the bricks of a Hindu Rashtra, although, perhaps inadvertently. The Ramayan...

लोकसभा चुनाव के आखरी दौर में जारी एडीआर की 534 सीटों की सर्वे रिपोर्ट

TCN News लोकसभा चुनाव 2019 अपने आखरी दौर में पहुंच चुका है ऐसे में राजनैतिक गतिविधियों पर नज़र रखने वाली एडीआर ने ऑल इंडिया सर्वे...

नौजवान साथियो… तो 2014 के पहले यह सब नहीं था

नासिरूद्दीन हाल ही में व्हाट्सएप पर एक मैसेज मिला. इसे चुटकुला कहना ज्‍यादा सटीक होगा.  चुटकुला कुछ यों था: हमारे एक मित्र का बेटा 18...

नफरत की खेती वोटों की फसल

तो क्‍या यह चुनाव व्‍हाट्सएप पर लड़ा जा रहा है...   नासिरूद्दीन एक फोटो आती है. देखते ही देखते ही हम सबके मोबाइल में घूमने लगती...

The tale of two India Conferences

By Shabir Hassan for MIT and Harvard, the two hallmarks of excellence and legacy are often being flaunted as the best places to learn....

Why BJP supporters and non-BJP supporters can’t remain friends anymore?

By Arif Hussain Recently an old friend, an urbane corporate worker, mused on Facebook that what is it about this election that’s making it difficult...

Does it matter who wins election in Araria?

By Ashish Ranjan and Kalyani B This is where the road ends tarmac of India shining gives way to gravel and red dirt of...

Muslims are once again dotting Punjab’s landscape

By Syed Ali Mujtaba Punjab faced the full fury of the communal violence in 1947during thePartition of India. The state witnessed an extremely turbulent and traumatic...

Cherishing Jacinda Ardern as NZ ushers in new world order of high public morality

By Dr Syed Zafar Mahmood  I cherish Jacinda Ardern as my daughter. At her very young age she has catapulted herself to the likes of...

Superiority of faith, an impediment in solidarity

By Md. Aariz Imam The response world over to Christchurch terror attack has been historic. For the first time since the start of America's war on...

On New Zealand Attack: Breaking the chains of violence

By Arlene J. Schar and Dr. David Leffler In the words of New Zealand's Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, today is "one of New Zealand's darkest...

Glorifying self: Modi’s gimmick of washing feet of sanitary workers

By Ram Puniyani Gimmicks are a part of Modi's style of politics. Rather they form the core of his strategies. His act of washing the feet...

Remembering Guru Ravidassji: One of the greatest thinker and social reformer of India

By Jaspal Singh Today is the  642nd anniversary of the  birth of Guru Ravidass also known as Raidas. He is one of the greatest thinkers...

Dialogue – The best way to resolve the Kashmir Issue

By Syed Mujtaba Kashmir is a zone of chaos, among the highest militarised zones in the world. Kashmir is a bone of contention between two Nuclear...

क्या उत्तर प्रदेश में इस बार के नतीजे भाजपा को केंद्र की सत्ता से...

आसमोहम्मद कैफ, उत्तर प्रदेश की दो सबसे बड़ी राजनीतिक पार्टी समाजवादी पार्टी और बहुजन समाज पार्टी के सुप्रीमो उस दिन(12 जनवरी) लखनऊ में गंठबंधन...

Who to blame for Plight of Muslims

By Ram Puniyani Naseeruddin Shah in an interview to Karawan-E-Mohabbat expressed his anguish and anger at the killing of Subodh Kumar Singh, the police inspector....

State of leadership among the Muslim community in India

By Yash Nawaz In this 21st century a Muslim is considered as the way he is being pictured in Bollywood movies. The Indian Muslims, second...

Citizenship Amendment Bill and the issues of Muslims

By Wahidul Islam Amidst all the debates of Citizenship Amendment Bill and the clutter of logics and illogic in support and against the bill, the ruling...

Indian Education: A neglected sector

By Prof. Md. Kalimuddin Ahmad Essentially survival and thriving of civilizations are linked with the advancement of science and technology. There has never been monopoly of...

In defense of the indefensible -Triple Talaq and Sabarimala issue

By Md. Aariz Imam Courtesy ANI, Narendra Modi has clarified his position on both the Triple Talaq Bill as well as the Sabarimalatemple entry movement. Though...

Indian Muslims: A rich hunting ground for Middle Eastern rivals

By James M. Dorsey When President Recep Tayyip Erdogan recently declared that Turkey was “the only country that can lead the Muslim world,” he probably...

The Bill must never pass

By Dr Mohammad Manzoor Alam The Narendra Modi government has railroaded the Triple Talaq Bill through Lok Sabha on sheer strength of a brute majority, contemptuously...

India Islamic Cultural Centre – 1981-2018 Genesis, Aims, Obligations

By Dr Syed Zafar Mahmood At Aligarh’s Marris Road the sprawling Government of India Complex spanning eleven thousand square yards used to be my office-cum-residence...

Naseeruddin Shah ko Gussa Kyon Aata hai?

Ram Puniyani The index of health of democratic society is gauzed by the feeling of security experienced by the minorities. Similarly one can say that...

Asaduddin Owaisi : Political Dividend Vs Price of friendship with KCR

By Muhammed Tauqeer In the recently concluded Telangana assembly elections, Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) got a thumping win with 2/3rd majority. This inspite of Congress'...

Naseeruddin Shah & backlash for Hijacked Political Narrative of Muslims

By Muhammed Tauqeer This article is complimentary to an article published in "The Print" by Fatima Khan and triggered by comment on twitter by "I am Troll" fame...

Bulandshahr: Unraveling the anatomy of a riot

By Ram Puniyani The scene of violence in the name of emotive issues has been continuously throwing new patterns of instigating and orchestrating violence. In recent...

Liberal media to Modi’s aide

After the recent reverses BJP suffered in the assembly elections, many scions of so- called liberal media have got busy theorizing the loss as anti-incumbency....

Politics and psychology: a study of political campaign in Indian democracy

By Yash Nawaz What is politics and psychology? How are both related to each other? I have tried to figure out these questions to understand political...

Modern Builder of Jamia: Prof. Mushirul Hasan

By BadreAlam Khan and Imran Ahmad Last evening (15 th December,2018) civil society groups, academicians and social activists have gathered at the India International Centre and attended...

Jaun Elia: A Concealed Philosopher Poet

By Mohammad Suhail Yeh hai ek jabr Ittefaq nahi Jaun hona koi Mazak nahi (This is a hardship, not the coincidence Being Jaun is not a joke) (Jaun Elia) Mostly...

Human rights as a secular project : Theoretical and practical conundrums in the western...

By M Abdul Fathah A plethora of human rights rulings came out of the Indian supreme court has been a tonal material for many a recent...

Three Nonagenarians who made the mark

By Mukhtar Ahmad Recently I came across three personalities all more than 90 years two of them living and working and one died recently on...

Longing for the reconstruction of Babri Masjid

By Misbahuddin Mirza December 6, 1992, exactly 500 years after Christopher Columbus landed on Santo Domingo island in search of gold, the Kar Sevaks of...

Kashmir needs solution not suppression

By Syed Mujtaba & Mirza Jahanzeb Beig From 1989, the People of Jammu and Kashmir are being killed, tortured, humiliated, and enforcedly disappeared. Thousands of...

Lack of schools in Muslim-majority areas in West Bengal is by design, not chance

This is the second and final part of the two-part series on the role of Faith-based organisations in West Bengal and how education facilities...

The role of Islamic faith-based organisations in the education sector in West Bengal

Taqdeer-e-Umam Kya Hai, Koi Keh Nahin Sakta Momin Ki Firasat Ho To Kafi Hai Ishara Who knows the nation’s fates? But signs abound, If Muslims are...

Muslim reservation: A dream that never saw the day

By Abu Asim It may not be wrong to say that many of us are victims of promises made by politicians. They pull wool over...

Funds meant for Bhopal gas tragedy survivors misused by BJP minister

By Pervez Bari Bhopal: The representatives of the four NGOs (non-Government organizations) working for the welfare of the survivors of the Union Carbide Bhopal gas tragedy,...

Sardar Patel, Maulana Azad, and national mythology – Part II

By Umair Azmi In the  first part of this series, Rajmohan Gandhi's defence of Patel as fair and not communally prejudiced was compared with Maulana Azad's...

Dalit Christians caught in the Church vortex

By  R L Francis The Christians all over India observed November 11 as “Dalit Liberation Sunday” (DLS) with an avowed aim of bringing the Dalit Christians...

Sardar Patel, Maulana Azad, and national mythology – Part I

By Umair Azmi On the anniversary of the murder of Gandhiji, it has become almost a ritual for the RSS to be reminded of what Sardar Patel...
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