Ashraful Madaris Urdu medium school of Hyderabad bags the K-12 WOW award

TCN News At the recently concluded Global K-12 Summit, organised by Business Reconnect in Hyderabad on 8th September 2023, Ashraful Madaris High School, an Urdu Medium...

सीमांचल के 27 साल के साकिब ने नौकरी छोड़ गांव के बच्चों के लिए...

बिहार के सीमांचल में बच्चों की जिंदगी में खुशियां भरने के लिए 27 साल के नौजवान साकिब गांवों में लाइब्रेरी खोलने की मुहिम चला...

Sahidul Alom Award-2023 for Habibur Rahman Choudhury

TCN News Shahidul Alam Choudhury, who had a very humble background, came to limelight in 1985 when he was sworn in as a cabinet minister...

Chhattisgarh: BJP leader among five arrested for attack on church in Narayanpur

On January 2, a mob vandalised a church after around 2000 people, mostly Adivasis held a public meeting in protest in against alleged...

Karnataka: Sri Rama Sena leader held guilty by court in hate speech case

On January 2, 2015, Siddalinga Swami delivered a speech against Muslims at a public function organised by the Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP) at...

‘Administration Failed To Take Timely and Appropriate Action’: Fact-Finding Report on Nuh Communal Violence

TCN News An 11-member fact-finding team from the Association for the Protection of Civil Rights (APCR) visited communal violence-affected areas in Haryana to present the...

ग्राउंड रिपोर्ट। यूपी के इस गांव में कॉलेज के लिए ग्रामीणों ने  मुफ्त में...

    उत्तर प्रदेश के सहारनपुर में 1990 में एक दर्जन गांवों ने अपने क्षेत्र में इंटर कॉलेज के लिए मुहिम चलाई, ताकि इस इलाके के...

Exploring the Rich Legacy and Future Challenges of Urdu Journalism: A Workshop by Karnataka...

TCN News In the heart of Bangalore, amidst the vibrant culture of Karnataka, Urdu journalists gathered for a two-day workshop hosted by the esteemed Karnataka...

The man who fought for Babri Masjid in court is no more

Senior advocate Zafaryab Jilani passes away Ubair Ul Hameed Zafaryab Jilani, the renowned advocate who played a pivotal role in the historic Ram Janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid case,...

ग्राऊंड रिपोर्ट : “पुलिस ने मेरे बेगुनाह शौहर की हत्या की” हिरासत में...

    तेलंगाना में मेदक पुलिस ने खदीर को चोरी के इल्जाम में गिरफ्तार किया था, गिरफ्तारी के बाद बेतहाशा पिटाई से खदीर की तबीयत बिगड़...

Muslim Personal Law Board to approach Supreme Court on Assam child marriage issue

A case related to the minimum age of Muslim girls getting married is pending before the Supreme Court. Huneza Khan | NEW DELHI – The...

रियल लाइफ हीरो : गांव में जाकर ग़रीब बच्चों को पढ़ाता है यूपी पुलिस...

स्टाफ रिपोर्टर। गोंडा जनपद के नौजवान सिपाही मोहम्मद ज़फ़र अली का नाम इस समय काफी सकारात्मक चर्चा बटोर रहा है। गोंडा की जनता और तमाम...

टीपू सुल्तान को लेकर कर्नाटक में सियासी हलचल

    आकिल हुसैन। Two टीपू सुल्तान की मौत के लगभग 220 साल बीत चुके हैं। लेकिन टीपू सुल्तान आज भी कर्नाटक की राजनीति में मुद्दा...

ग्राऊंड रिपोर्ट : बिहार में चीनी मिल बंद होने से मुसीबत में गन्ना किसान

आसिफ इक़बाल। Two बिहार के शिवहर, सीतामढ़ी, मुज़फ्फरपुर, पूर्वी चंपारण सहित चार जिलों की एक मात्र चीनी मिल अब बंद हो गई है...

Maharashtra: Hindutva leader, others acquitted in 2014 lynching of Mohsin Shaikh

28-year-old Mohsin Shaikh's killing in 2014 was the first mob lynching case after BJP had come to power in the centre.  TCN News  PUNE (MAHARASHTRA) – Nine...

सवाल : आखिर कौन दे रहा है जुनैद और नासिर के हत्यारों को संरक्षण...

आकिल हुसैन । हरियाणा में गाय की तस्करी के आरोप में नासिर और जुनैद को गाड़ी समेत जलानें की घटना को 48 घंटे हो...

‘It’s a constitutional issue, not a Christian one:’ Women groups protest violence against Adivasi...

Over the last few months, hundreds of Adivasi Christians have fled their homes across several villages of Chhattisgarh after alleged attacks by Hindutva...

ग्राऊंड रिपोर्ट : अच्छी फसल के बावूजद आलू किसानों में मायूसी, बोले किसान ,...

स्टाफ रिपोर्टर। Two  मुजफ्फरनगर के चुड़ियाला गांव के लोकेंद्र चौधरी ने इस बार 60 बीघा ज़मीन में आलू की खेती की है। इस बार...

Two Circle Network’s Seed Fellow Sufi Parween Wins Laadli Media Award

TCN News We are happy to announce that TCN’s SEED Fellow Sufi Parween has won the 13th Laadli Media Award for her exceptional contribution to...

प्रेरणा : ग़रीब बच्चों को ‘नेशनल सेलर’  बनाने वाले जिद्दी कोच सुहेम शेख की...

मोहम्मद जमीर हसन। Two  हैदराबाद की रहने वाली प्रीति कोंगारा ने 2023 के एशियाई खेलों के लिए क्वालिफाई किया है। वे यह उपलब्धि हासिल...

संघर्षो से तपकर निकले जाबिर अंसारी का कराटे चैंपियनशिप में एक और गोल्ड

आकिल हुसैन। Two पटना विश्वविद्यालय के छात्र जाबिर अंसारी ने इतिहास रचते हुए कराटे चैंपियनशिप में 75 किलोग्राम भार वर्ग में गोल्ड मेडल जीता...

देशभर में चर्चित केसीआर की महत्वाकांक्षी ‘दलित बंधु’ योजना की ज़मीनी पड़ताल

तेलंगाना में केसीआर की दलित बंधु योजना की देश भर में चर्चा है। केसीआर अपनी इस योजना को खूब प्रचार करते हैं और...

UP: 12 policemen booked in ‘fake encounter’ of Muslim farmer

The court ordered the registration of a case against 12 police personnel based on the complaint of the victim’s wife. TCN Special Correspondent NEW DELHI...

Bihar Minister refuses to withdraw ‘controversial’ statement on Ramcharitmanas; BJP demands FIR against him

Ayodhya seer Jagadguru Paramhans Acharya had announced a bounty of Rs 10 crore for anyone who slits the tongue of Chandrashekhar Yadav if...

‘Clear case of vendetta:’ PCI condemns IT ‘surveys’ at BBC offices in Delhi, Mumbai

The Press Club of India (PCI) said it is deeply concerned and distressed that such an action on an international broadcasting network will damage...

बजट में कटौती से अल्पसंख्यक समुदाय में निराशा

आकिल हुसैन। मोदी सरकार के दूसरे कार्यकाल का आखिरी बजट अल्पसंख्यकों के लिए मायूसी लेकर आया। पिछले वर्ष के मुकाबले इस वर्ष अल्पसंख्यक मंत्रालय...

एक और ख़्वाब का अंत , ‘पढ़ो प्रदेश ‘ योजना बंद

आकिल हुसैन। मौलाना आजाद फेलोशिप के बाद अब केंद्र सरकार के अल्पसंख्यक मंत्रालय ने अल्पसंख्यक छात्रों की विदेशों में पढ़ने के लिए दी जाने...

ग्राउंड रिपोर्ट : बिहार में स्नातक की डिग्री में लगते हैं छह और परास्नातक...

आसिफ इकबाल | बिहार के आरा की रहने वाली अपर्णा कुमारी की इच्छा दिल्ली के जेएनयू से पीएचडी कर प्रोफेसर बनने की है। लेकिन...

गुमनाम कबड्डी कोच इलियास की कहानी, जो समाज की अज्ञानता से जूझे मगर देश... के लिए दरियापुर( मुकामां) से आसिफ इकबाल की रिपोर्ट पटना से करीब 90 किमी पूरब में गंगा नदी किनारे दरियापुर गांव बसा है। यहां...

Supreme Court dismisses plea challenging delimitation in Jammu and Kashmir

On March 6, 2020, the Centre constituted a three-member delimitation commission headed by former Supreme Court Judge, Justice Ranjana Desai to redraw the...

हाथरस कांड में अदालत का फैसला, संदीप दोषी, तीन बरी

स्टाफ रिपोर्टर। Two उत्तर प्रदेश की राजनीति में भूचाल मचा देने वाले बहुचर्चित बुलगढी गांव वाले हाथरस कांड में आज फैसला आ गया है।...

मौलाना आज़ाद फैलोशिप बंद होने से मुस्लिम बुद्धिजीवियों में निराशा का माहौल

मोहम्मद ज़मीर हसन| “मैं हैदराबाद यूनिवर्सिटी में पढ़ रहा हूं। यह संभव हो पाया है मौलाना आज़ाद नेशनल फैलोशिप की वजह से। मेरी आर्थिक स्थिति...

Assam: Hundreds rendered homeless during eviction drive in Lakhimpur

The drive to evict encroachers from a forest land in Assam's Lakhimpur district has left with 299 families in the lurch. Afnan Habib |...

इक़बाल की नज़्म ‘लब पे आती है दुआ बनके ‘ गाने पर टीचर को...

आकिल हुसैन। शायर अल्लामा इकबाल की एक मशहूर नज़्म 'लब पे आती है दुआ' (जिसका अर्थ ईश्वर/ख़ुदा से मांगना है) पढ़ने से क्या किसी की...

‘We Don’t Employ Jai Bhim Walas’: Mumbai-based Event Management Firm Owner Tells Dalit Employee,...

TCN News New Delhi: In a shocking incident of alleged caste discrimination and that too in a metropolitan city like Mumbai, a 23-year-old Dalit boy was...

‘Bajrang Dal to play major role in checking religious conversion, love-jihad,’ says leader

The Hindutva right-wing organization Bajrang Dal has reiterated its commitment to checking religious conversion and love-jihad at the grassroots level.  Sana Ejaz |  PRAYAGRAJ (UTTAR...

मोदीनगर के ‘आसमोहम्मद’ ने पुलिस को लौटा दिए सड़क पर मिले 25 लाख

विशेष संवाददाता। मोदीनगर के 52 साल के आसमोहम्मद को आज खासी तारीफ मिल रही है। उनके घर बधाई देने वालों का तांता लगा हुआ है...

बिहार से ग्राऊंड रिपोर्ट : ‘पर्चा लीक’ युवाओं के सपनों के मर जाने की...

बिहार में पर्चा लीक अपराध एक बहुत बड़ी त्रासदी बन चुका है। यह बिहार के युवाओं के सपनों का सरेआम क़त्ल हो जाने जैसा...

Muslim leaders’ pictures missing in Congress advertisment, party apologises

The full-page advertisement which was published in dailies on the third day of the plenary session on Saturday, featured Congress leaders of the...

Ramadan Special: Women Of All Faiths Attend ‘Iftar’ in Masjid in Aurangabad

By Imran Inamdar,  Aurangabad (Maharashtra): “I stepped into the mosque for the first time. We were welcomed by the host with great love and...

International wrestling body UWW release statement in support of Indian wrestlers

TCN News The United World Wrestling (UWW) released a statement on Tuesday, May 30, condemning the treatment meted to the protesting wrestlers at Jantar Mantar...

‘Won’t injunct media’, SC refuses plea to gag media from reporting Adani-Hindenburg issue

The Hindenburg report released last month sparked a heated debate about the business practices of one of India’s largest companies and raises serious...

Iqra Hasan: A Century-Old Struggle and the Ascent of ‘Brave’ and Consistent Daughter

Special Correspondent/ New Delhi: “I don’t comment on numbers, but it’s for sure that I got blessings of people who want me to represent them...

HC verdict allowing minor Muslim girl to marry can’t be a precedent: SC

Chief Justice of India agreed to issue a notice in the matter and tag it along with the earlier similar petitions filed by...

AMU student suspended for raising ‘religious slogan’ on Republic Day

Police have taken cognizance of the incident and asked the AMU authorities to initiate legal action in the matter. Huneza Khan |  ALIGARH (UTTAR...

Kannada literary festival: Muslim authors’ exclusion draws criticism

No Muslim writers have been given a chance to participate in the poet convention, and the Byari language, which Muslims speak in coastal...

Interview With Dr. Zafarul Islam Khan on His New English Translation of the Quran

Hasan Zia Rizvi/ Dr. Zafarul Islam Khan, a 75-year-old Indian scholar, has published a new translation of the Quran, the holy book of the...

24 students detained in DU for attempting to screen BBC documentary

The BBC documentary on Prime Minister Narendra Modi's alleged role in the 2002 Gujarat riots has kicked up a storm in India, with...

मुजफ्फरनगर में किसानों ने गाड़ दिया है बड़ा खूंटा, राकेश टिकैत ने किया...

वसीम अहमद के लिए मुजफ्फरनगर में एक और किसान आंदोलन का आगाज़ समझे जा रहे किसानों के धरने को एक सप्ताह पूरा हो...

MP: Muslim man saves life of ailing Hindu boy

36-year-old Rafat Khan from Chattarpur, Madhya Pradesh has donated blood 13 times in a year.  TCN NEWS  CHHATARPUR (MADHYA PRADESH) – A Muslim man donated...

Govt tells YouTube, Twitter to block links of BBC documentary on 2002 Gujarat riots

The action has reportedly been taken using the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting's emergency powers under the controversial IT Rules, 2021.  TCN News  NEW DELHI...

Heritage Times Celebrates the Glorious Past of Bihar on Bihar Diwas

TCN News By Syed Amjad Hussain Bihar Diwas or Bihar Foundation Day celebrated on 22nd of March every year was organised earlier owing to the upcoming...

आजमगढ़ के 12वी पास सलमान का कमाल , नैनो से बना दिया हेलीकॉप्टर, शादियों...

स्टाफ रिपोर्टर। आजमगढ़ के 12 तक पढ़े युवक सलमान ने अपने तकनीकी ज्ञान की बेहतरीन नुमाइश करते हुए नैनो कार से हेलीकॉप्टर बना दिया...

Proposal to remove any content termed fake by government will muzzle free press: Editors...

The IT Ministry has suggested amending the Information Technology Rules so that websites operating in India would have to take down content deemed...

आखिरकार पत्रकार सिद्दीक कप्पन को रिहाई मिली

स्टाफ रिपोर्टर। लगभग 28 महीने के बाद पत्रकार सिद्दीक कप्पन जेल से रिहा हो गए हैं। कोर्ट ने पत्रकार सिद्दीक कप्पन को एक-एक लाख...

‘No chargesheet, 5 months to file FIR’: SC questions Delhi Police for slow progress...

The Hindutva event where hate speech against Muslims was made took place on December 19, 2021, in New Delhi, and an FIR was...

Uttar Pradesh: 17 booked after clash between police and Dalits in Hathras

The clash between police Dalits and police took place after idols and pictures of Hindu Gods were allegedly removed at a religious function...

‘Religious conversion a serious issue, don’t make it political’: Supreme Court

Earlier, the Supreme Court had said the issue of forced religious conversion is a “very serious issue” and emphasised that charity is welcome,...

2020 Delhi riots: Court charges two accused for damaging school

The accused were, however, discharged of charges of criminal conspiracy. Huneza Khan |  NEW DELHI —  A Delhi court has framed charges for various offences,...

Exclusive: What led to Mukhtar Ansari’s death in Banda prison? Here’s what his son...

Special Correspondent, Ghazipur (Uttar Pradesh): Former MLA Mukhtar Ansari, who represented eastern Uttar Pradesh’s Mau constituency in the state assembly for five consecutive terms...

Students hold demonstration on 3rd anniversary of Jamia Milia police action

The Delhi Police's action against protesting students in 2019 was marked by hundreds of students at Jamia Millia Islamia on Thursday.  TCN News NEW DELHI...

2010 Bareilly Riots: Maulana Tauqeer Raza Khan Declared Absconding by UP Court, May Lose...

Tarique Anwar/ The cleric-turned-politician has been described as the “mastermind” of the violence in a controversial order passed on March 5 by Additional District...

Man lynched in Assam on suspicion of cow theft, 14 arrested 

Police officials said that a man, identified as Naju Ali, was lynched in Assam's Sivasagar district on suspicion of cow theft.  Sana Ejaz |...

“Such blatant move to censor press is cause of worry,” DIGIPUB on new amendments...

In a statement, DIGIPUB, which is an association of digital media organizations said that to undermine the media’s mandate is to undermine democracy...

Telangana Assembly Elections 2023 : Congress emerges the winner toppling BRS

TCN Staff Hyderabad After making its mark in Karnataka in May 2023, India’s grand old party INC (Indian National Congress) has now won the Telangana Assembly...

SC to set up 3-judge bench to hear plea challenging Karnataka Hijab ban

With exams scheduled in February, the petitioners contended that students may be permitted to appear in the exams wearing hijab. NEW DELHI — The Supreme...

Lok Sabha Elections 2024: ‘Dull’ campaign to voter’s disinterest — what people in MP...

Huneza Khan, Bhopal: The third phase of ongoing general elections 2024 concluded with polls conducted across 93 seats in 11 states and union territories. People...

Church, statue vandalized in Karnataka’s Mysuru; police suspect theft

At around 6-7 pm on December 27, the church staff found the statue of baby Jesus damaged and money from the donation box...

कोरियाई छात्राओं से दुर्व्यवहार के आरोपी युवकों के विरुद्ध धार्मिक भावनाएं भड़काने का मुक़दमा...

स्टाफ रिपोर्टर। मेरठ में विदेशी युवतियों के साथ हुई अभद्रता वाले मामले में किरकिरी होने के बाद अब मेरठ पुलिस ने कथित तौर पर...

‘Targeted Attack’, ‘Religious Bias’: Closure of Maulana Azad Education Foundation Leads to Outcry

Mohsina Malik, New Delhi: In a recent decision by the Ministry of Minority Affairs (MoMA) of closing down the Maulana Azad Education Foundation (MAEF)...

Telangana Police files closure report in Rohith Vemula suicide case, claims research scholar wasn’t...

TCN News New Delhi: Doubting Rohit Vemula to be a Dalit and speculating that he ended his life out of fear that his true caste identity...

‘He is a Muslim’: Nuh communal riots accused Bittu Bajrangi, who is out on...

Special Correspondent TCN News: The violence was carried out at the cow vigilante's house at Faridabad on April 1. The police have registered an FIR...

Demonetisation order ‘unlawful’: What dissenting judge BV Nagarathna said on SC’s majority ruling

The demonetisation move by the BJP government in late 2016 was cataclysmic for economically marginalised communities in India and led to scores of...

Lok Sabha elections 2024: What people say about Modi’s ‘hate’ speeches and Nitish Kumar’s...

Sami Ahmad, Patna: Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar often claims that he never compromised on three ‘Cs’ — crime, corruption and communalism. But in recent...

‘News channels create divisions in society’: SC questions anchors’ roles

The apex court made these sharp observations while hearing a clutch of petitions seeking action in hate speech incidents. TCN News  NEW DELHI —  Television...

साल 2022 की टीसीएन की कुछ शानदार रिपोर्ट

टीम टीसीएन। वर्ष 2022 संपन्न हो गया। हमें कई तरह के राजनीतिक और सामाजिक बदलाव देखने को मिले। इस दौरान पत्रकारिता का धर्म...

Modi’s Islamophobic Speech: Is BJP Anxious About 2024 Despite Tall Claims?

TCN News New Delhi: It is reasonable to assume that the outcry following Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s overtly anti-Muslim speech in Rajasthan, where he warned people...

Lok Sabha Elections 2024: With 50% Muslim population, know who is better placed in...

TCN Special Correspondent New Delhi: Sambhal is one among the Lok Sabha constituencies in Uttar Pradesh where polling will be held on May 7 — third...

Giving a Damn to EC’s Directions, BJP Appeals for Vote Invoking Religion Displaying Ram...

TCN News  New Delhi: A day before the first phase of polling (April 19) of the general elections 2024, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), which is...

Giving a Damn to EC Notice, BJP’s ‘Star’ Campaigners Continue to Echo PM Modi’s...

TCN Special Correspondent New Delhi: The ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi says that it is confident of winning third consecutive...

Lowest Muslim Representation in Six Decades: Only 4.4% of MPs in 18th Lok Sabha...

TCN News New Delhi: The eighteenth Lok Sabha has the lowest representation of Muslims in six decades, with less than 5% of its members identifying as...

From Imam to MP: Mohibbullah Nadvi’s Surprising Victory in Uttar Pradesh’s Rampur

TCN News New Delhi: Mohibbullah Nadvi’s journey to victory in the general elections from Rampur, Uttar Pradesh, was a tale of unexpected twists and challenges....

Amroha: In the Razor Sharp Triangular Contest, Did the Politics of Hate and Polarisation...

Special Correspondent Amroha/New Delhi: The western Uttar Pradesh city of Amroha cast ballots under the cloud of communally offensive remarks made by Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath...
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