Supreme Court Upholds UP Madarsa Law, Securing Future for 16,000 Institutions and 17 Lakh...
TCN News
The Supreme Court of India has upheld the validity of a 2004 law regulating madrassas in Uttar Pradesh, offering relief to approximately 16,000...
One More Baby Dies in Patna: How the Medical System is Costing Lives –...
Sanjana Chawla,
Raj and Pooja (names changed on request) were in Patna, Bihar, earlier this month for the delivery of their first child. The...
MP: How Parents Turn a Letter in Grade-3 Environmental Science Textbook into a ‘Love...
Adnan Ali,
Chhatarpur (Madhya Pradesh): The spectre of ‘Love Jihad’ has resurfaced in a striking new context — school textbooks. In Madhya Pradesh’s Chhatarpur...
Bulldozer Action in Surat Under Scrutiny: Activists Allege Targeted Retribution After Communal Violence
Sidra Fatima,
On September 10, 2024, municipal authorities in Gujarat’s Surat district launched a demolition drive in Saiyedpura, an area recently hit by riots...
Bill and Melinda Gates’ Forgotten Promise: Bihar’s Musahar Girl Still Waiting for Assistance 14...
M. I. Khan,
Patna: Rani, a poverty-stricken Mushahar girl, was once hailed as lucky when Microsoft founder Bill Gates and his wife Melinda Gates...
They charred to death my 5-day child, grieves mother of newborn killed in Delhi...
The massive fire, which broke out at Newborn Baby Care Hospital at Vivek Vihar, exposes several lapses — non-registration, no NOC, single narrow exit,...
‘Muslims Aren’t Good’: Religious Bullying Becoming a New Normal in Posh Schools
Sumaiya Ali,
New Delhi: “They tease me by saying Allah, Allah,” a fifth-grade student who studies in a popular girl’s school in Meerut, complained...
66-Year-Old Jharkhand Man a Beacon of Hope for Abandoned Girls
Tauseef Ahmad/
Hari Ram Pandey, a 66-year-old man from Deogarh in Jharkhand, has been raising abandoned girls on his own for the past two...
Bakerwal Children Still Struggle for Education
Shaizan Nadaf and Kaisar Ali/ TwoCircles.netAashiq Hussain Chopan, 14, and seven other children in tattered clothes sit on a mat under open...
Delhi Cop’s Unique Initiative Helps the Underprivileged; Provides Them Education
Sanjana Chawla/
Than Singh, a resident of Rajasthan, started his very own little school called “Than Singh Ki Pathshala” in 2015 to help students...
‘Are We Lesser Humans’: Inside a Relief Camp in Assam Housing Over 300 Muslim...
– Arshad Ahmed |
The approach to 12-year-old Jamal Islam's make-shift home in Changmajhi, a revenue village in central Assam's Nagaon district, becomes impassable...
“Young Trailblazer Maryam Mirza Ignites a Reading Revolution with 31 Mohalla Libraries in Aurangabad”
By Nikhat Fatima |
Books have been Maryam’s passion ever since she learnt to read. She turned her passion into a mission of starting a...
Ashraful Madaris – An Urdu medium school fighting for survival
By Nikhat Fatima,
Building character and integrity and not just building careers is what the teachers strive for, in this 110-year-old school ‘Ashraful Madaris’...
Mosque and Madarsa Partially Demolished in ‘Anti-Encroachment’ Drive in Delhi
By Arbab Ali
Ahmed*, an 11-year-old boy, scrambles through the rubble of his madarsa, managing to pull out the mangled blades of a ceiling fan...
ग्राउंड रिपोर्ट। यूपी के इस गांव में कॉलेज के लिए ग्रामीणों ने मुफ्त में...
उत्तर प्रदेश के सहारनपुर में 1990 में एक दर्जन गांवों ने अपने क्षेत्र में इंटर कॉलेज के लिए मुहिम चलाई, ताकि इस इलाके के...
Muslim Personal Law Board to approach Supreme Court on Assam child marriage issue
A case related to the minimum age of Muslim girls getting married is pending before the Supreme Court.
Huneza Khan |
NEW DELHI – The...
MP: Muslim man saves life of ailing Hindu boy
36-year-old Rafat Khan from Chattarpur, Madhya Pradesh has donated blood 13 times in a year.
CHHATARPUR (MADHYA PRADESH) – A Muslim man donated...
Watch: Srinagar’s Heritage House connects youth with Kashmir’s past
Located in Srinagar’s old city, a century-old building is now a heritage museum. Known as Baitul Meeras (Heritage House), the museum was opened...
क्या कर्नाटक में मुस्लिम लड़कियों का शैक्षिक भविष्य अंधकार में चला गया है !
कर्नाटक हिजाब को लेकर हुए नकारात्मक चर्चा का असर लड़कियों की शिक्षा पर हो गया है, बहुत सी लड़कियों ने स्कूल जाना बंद कर...
मदरसों के पक्ष में मायावती ने उठाई आवाज़
आकिल हुसैन।
बसपा प्रमुख मायावती उत्तर प्रदेश में अपनी खोई हुई ज़मीन मुस्लिम वोटरों के जरिए तलाशने में लगीं हैं। पिछले कुछ समय से...
सोनभद्र का रामबाबु : वेटर के तौर पर अपमान झेला ,लोकडाउन में नौकरी...
मोहम्मद आसिम।
उत्तर प्रदेश के सबसे पिछड़े इलाकों में शुमार करने वाले आदिवासी बहुल क्षेत्र सोनभद्र के लाल ने कमाल जैसा कुछ कर दिया...
दलित छात्र की पिटाई से मौत के मामले ने तूल पकड़ा, बवाल
आकिल हुसैन।
उत्तर प्रदेश के औरैया जिले में परीक्षा में ग़लत जवाब देने पर टीचर ने एक दलित छात्र की पिटाई कर दी थी जिसके...
खोजबीन : क्या सचमुच नीट के रिजल्ट में मुस्लिम बच्चों ने कोई कमाल कर...
आकिल हुसैन।
नीट 2022 की परीक्षा में लगभग 1200 मुस्लिम बच्चों ने सफलता हासिल की है इनमें से कई बच्चे मदरसा बैकग्राउंड के...
जेएनयू में प्रवेश प्रक्रिया की जटिलता को लेकर उठ रहे गंभीर सवाल
आलोक राजपूत
जवाहरलाल नेहरू विश्वविद्यालय (जेएनयू) विभिन्न राष्ट्रीय विवादों एवं गरमा-गरम बहसो का केंद्र बिंदु रहा हैं। हालांकि स्वयं जेएनयू के भीतर व्याप्त विभिन्न...
उलझ गया है कि यूक्रेन में छात्रों की वापसी का मामला, परिजनों में निराशा
मुहम्मद आसिम। Two
यूक्रेन की विनिशिया मैडिकल यूनिवर्सिटी में पढ़ने वाली छात्रा अस्मिता इस समय काफी चर्चा में है। अस्मिता दिल्ली की रहने वाली...
कानपुर के स्कूल में हुई इस्लामिक प्रेयर तो गंगाजल से किया गया पवित्र
स्टाफ रिपोर्टर।
उत्तर प्रदेश के कानपुर में एक निजी स्कूल के प्रबंधन के खिलाफ प्रेयर के दौरान इस्लामिक प्रार्थना करवाने के मामले में एफआईआर...
40 हजार की आबादी वाले कस्बे में एक भी बालिका विद्यालय नही , मगर...
मोहम्मद वसीम Two के लिए
पुरकाज़ी के चेयरमैन ज़हीर फारूकी एक बड़ी फाइल हमें दिखाते हुए बताते हैं कि वो लगातार अधिकारियों से पत्राचार...
Muslim institutes bring empowerment to a coastal village in Kerala
Muslims of Edavanakad in Vypin island of Kerala have set a vibrant example of empowerment by building community institutions that provide education, and interest-free...
पटना के महादलित परिवार के बेटे को अमेरिका में ढाई करोड़ की स्कॉलरशिप
आकिल हुसैन।
बिहार के पटना के एक दलित दिहाड़ी मजदूर परिवार का बेटा अमेरिका में अपना भविष्य संवारेगा। पटना के फुलवारी शरीफ के गोनपुरा गांव...
महाराष्ट्र के मदरसे के छात्रों का कमाल पहले बने हाफ़िज़, फिर एसएससी में पाई...
आकिल हुसैन।
शुक्रवार को महाराष्ट्र राज्य माध्यमिक शिक्षा बोर्ड का जब रिजल्ट घोषित हुआ तो मुंबई के एक मदरसे में पढ़ने वाले बच्चों...
Protests over Prophet Muhammad remarks in Ranchi: Justice evades family of slain minor boy
In the wee hours of June 11, a day after protests broke out in Ranchi, a police convoy reached Alam’s home with his corpse...
डेढ़ साल के मासूम शायान को है रहस्यमय बीमारी, बेबस बाप को अब नही...
आसिम मंसूर के लिए
उस दिन ईद से पहली रात थी और अर्शी (25) अपनी ननद के साथ बाज़ार में कुछ जरूरी चीजें...
Why are minority-run elementary schools in Bihar on verge of extinction?
Out of the total 108 minority-run schools in Bihar, 91 have been reportedly shut, while others are without required teachers.
Sami Ahmad |
BIHAR — Elementary...
ग्राउंड रिपोर्ट : मुस्तफाबाद में अरविंद केजरीवाल की शैक्षिक भेदभाव की असलियत दिखाता है...
असद शेख़ के लिए
देश की राजधानी दिल्ली के उत्तर प्रदेश बॉर्डर पर एक बड़ा मुस्लिम बहुल इलाक़ा मुस्तफाबाद है। ये इलाक़ा ज़्यादातर...
Journey of a slum dweller to fight illiteracy among poor
More than 6000 kids from underprivileged families are benefiting from schools run by Mamoom Akhtar in West Bengal.
Partho Burman |
KOLKATA — It was...
This super teacher is on a mission to transform the lives of children in...
Kanchan Sharma, a retired lecturer, has been running a school for the slum children for over a decade now.
Mubashir Naik and Irshad Hussain |...
West Bengal: Mismanaged Mid Day Meals scheme pushing children towards further undernourishment
The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) study further found that meals in schools do not just contribute to education, but influence students’ “fertility...
टीसीएन 2021 : साल भर हम उठाते रहे वंचितों और पिछड़ों की आवाज़,पढ़िए...
बीते वर्ष, 2021, में कई तरह की बदलती हुई राजनीतिक और सामाजिक गतिविधियां देखने को मिली। इस बदलती परिस्थिति में, हाशिए पर खड़े...
मुस्लिम औरतों को बदनाम करने की शर्मनाक साजिश
सिमरा अंसारी Two के लिए
जब हम सभी बीते साल की सभी कठिनाइयों और दुखों को पीछे छोड़कर नए साल में...
India’s caste divide stirs a strange controversy: eggs
The egg controversy has been bubbling up ever since the Modi-led right-wing Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) came into power, with Madhya...
Raising legal age for marriage for women in India: Here’s why it’s bad news...
While worry over early marriage is a start in the right direction, legislative action on the subject is equivalent to addressing symptoms rather...
अच्छी ख़बर : एएमयू को ‘नैक’ ने दिया ए ग्रेड
न्यूज डेस्क।
देश के प्रतिष्ठित अलीगढ़ मुस्लिम विश्वविद्यालय को राष्ट्रीय मूल्यांकन एवं प्रत्यायन परिषद (नैक) की समीक्षा में 3.24 के संचयी ग्रेड प्वाइंट...
‘Unaccounted victims,’ 3 children from Dholpur, Assam died due to poor access to medical...
Three children of No 1 and No 3 Dholpur villages in Darrang district of Assam, where the state government carried out forceful evictions of...
“Nothing has been left our homes. Where will we go?” Patna’s Nat community face...
Scores of families belonging to the marginalized Nat community of Patna, Bihar were left homeless after a demolition drive carried out by the Patna...
“We need employment, not help,” Nagpur’s sex workers decry ban, barricading of area
Ganga Jamuna area of Nagpur in Maharashtra is the oldest Red Light area of the city and has always been bustling with people. In...
Dalits, Adivasi children locked out of education during Covid-19 lockdown: new report
The report reveals that only 4% of Dalit and Adivasi children have been attending online classes regularly, as opposed to 15% of children overall.
दिल्ली में हाथरस जैसी वारदात, 9 साल की मासूम को बलात्कार के बाद जलाया
विशेष संवाददाता।
राष्ट्रीय राजधानी दिल्ली में 'हाथरस कांड' जैसी रेप वारदात सामने आई हैं। श्मशान घाट में लगे वाटर कूलर से पानी लेने...
तबाही : मुम्बई में झुग्गियों पर गिरी दीवार ,17 की दर्दनाक मौत
स्टाफ़ रिपोर्टर।
मुंबई में बारिश का कहर देखने को मिला हैं। भारी बारिश ने मुंबई को बेहाल कर दिया है। मुंबई के दो इलाकों...
अंतरराष्ट्रीय जनसंख्या दिवस पर विशेष :संघ के बड़े एजंडे का छोटा सा हिस्सा है...
यूसुफ़ अंसारी
साल 2014 में केंद्र में मोदी सरकार बनने के बाद बीजेपी देश भर में अपने व्यापक एजेंडे को लागू करने की दिशा में...
Amid Covid-19 lockdown, Mushar children in Bihar collect rats to feed themselves, families as...
With a population of 2.5 lakh, Mushar community in Bihar are considered Maha-Dalits (Dalits among Dalits) and discriminated against. Amid the ongoing Covid-19 lockdown...
Part III: Dropouts prompted by ailing education system leads to child marriage, early age...
This is the third story in a four-part TCN Ground Report series on how poor teacher-student ratio is leading to dropouts in schools of...
A Pathshala over the debris
As Covid-19 has taken a heavy toll on the society, especially economically weaker sections, the young students of Jamia Millia Islamia and other colleges...
‘I was denied food and beaten,’ the unregistered story of child trafficking in Bihar
Trafficking is a common story of hundreds of children every year in Gaya and adjoining districts of Bihar including Nawdah, Aurangabad and Jahanabad. Many...
मुजफ्फरनगर के जुहैब क़ुरैशी की आईईएस में छठी रैंक,चौतरफा तारीफ
आसमोहम्मद कैफ।
मुजफ्फरनगर के मशहूर मीनाक्षी चौक से जब आप शामली बस अड्डे की तरफ चलते हैं तो ऐतिहासिक शहीद चौक से लगभग...
TCN इम्पैक्ट : बदल गई ‘अजहरुद्दीन’ की किस्मत,अमेरिका से पढ़ाई का...
आसमोहम्मद कैफ।
कबाड़ से इलेक्ट्रिक कार बनाने वाले मेरठ के मजदूर के बेटे अजहरुद्दीन की किस्मत बस बदलने ही वाली है। टीसीएन में...
West Bengal Assembly Elections 2021: Eradicating child marriage still doesn’t make the cut in...
According to a report by Young Lives Research to Policy Centre based on the National Family Health Survey 2015-16, West Bengal tops the list...
बेहतर कल के लिए तालीम से रास्ता बना रहे हैं पिछड़े मुसलमान!
आसमोहम्मद कैफ।
72 साल के जमील अहमद बीते हुए कल को याद करते हुए गहरी सांस लेते हैं और कुर्सी से टेक लगाकर...
“LOCF an attempt at saffronisation of Indian education,” SIO criticizes UGC’S curriculum framework for...
SIO said the curriculum is framed in a way that promotes Hindutva by eventually concealing the histories of the marginalized and the indigenous communities...
Muslim children face systematic exclusion at a pre-primary level in Delhi’s private schools ,...
The research highlights how the educational marginalization of Muslims in India starts at an early age itself and reveals that growth in literacy rates...
“Will protest across Kerala with my head shaved till justice prevails,” mother of Walayar...
Two minor sisters from Walayar, Kerala were found dead at their home in 2017. The autopsy report revealed the girls were sexually assaulted and...
Silent workers: how poverty, minimal govt. initiative scars future of India’s child labourers
According to the 2011 census, the number of child labourers in India is 10.1 million. This is the story of one such girl Sunita...
गुड़ के कोल्हू में जलकर राख हो गए दो मासूम
स्टाफ़ रिपोर्टर । Twocircles.Net
मुज़फ्फरनगर में गुड़ कोल्हू में ईँधन झोंक कर परिवार की गुज़र बसर करने वाले गरीब मज़दूर परिवार मंगलवार की दोपहर बाद...
In Wayanad Kerala, Adivasi Dalit students are on indefinite strike for better representation in...
By Sukanya Roy,
Sulthan Bathery: Since 28 September, members and students of the Adi Sakthi Summer School, an Adivasi Dalit students’ collective that facilitates...
Minor domestic worker found dead after allegedly raped by employer in Hyderabad, family demand...
By Nikhat Fatima,
Hyderabad: Being poor is akin to a crime as you are extremely vulnerable to exploitation. This is what happened in the...
This Muslim teacher in Maharashtra developed all-purpose workbook for underprivileged children who can’t afford...
By Imraan Inamdar,
Maharashtra: At a time when educational institutions across the country have been shut due to the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic, online teaching...
Rape and death of 14-year-old-Dalit girl in orphanage in Hyderabad reveal dark side of...
By Aparajita Ghosh,
Ameenpur (Hyderabad): Rape is one of the most common crimes against women in India. According to the National Crime Bureau (NCRB),...
The new ‘no news’ in Kerala: sexual abuse of minor orphan girl by teacher
By Najiya O,
Kerala: In a country where attacks on women and girls are nothing new, the alleged rape of a nine-year-old orphan girl...
This education Centre in Mumbai named after Rohit Vemula offers education, training to underprivileged...
By Aparajita Ghosh,
Mumbai: A group of young students of Mumbai’s Phule Nagar have collectively started an education centre naming it after PhD scholar...
Kashmir’s cartoonists depict rot behind gory images of Kashmiri child atop his dead grandfather
Majid Maqbool,
The flurry of gory images of a three-year-old child atop his dead grandfather, his arms stretched backwards, after losing his life during...
Constitutionality of NRC-CAA sparks dialogue at Harvard’s 17th Annual India Conference
The 17th Annual Harvard India Conference organized at the Harvard Business School and Harvard Kennedy School on 15th and 16th February bringing together thought...
12-year-old Venkatesh wins National Bravery Award for rescuing an ambulance caught in village flood...
Nikhat Fatima,
On 26th January, the 71st Republic Day, the Indian Council of Child Welfare (ICCW) conferred 22 children from across the country with...
Ambedkar-King Study Circle Conducts Social Science Workshop for Activists in California Team
San Jose, California. On February 1, 2020 around forty people attended a social science workshop for activists organized by the Ambedkar-King Study Circle,...
Sons of police personnel kidnap, rape and murder a 3 year old in...
TCN News
A most heinous crime has surfaced on Tuesday, 30th July, when the police in Jamshedpur, Jharkhand found the headless body of the 3...
Kathua rape case verdict: 6 convicted by a special court amidst tight security
TCN News
A special court in Pathankot delivered the verdict in the brutal gang rape and murder of a 8 – year-old girl from a...
How Children are being divided along communal lines after Pulwama incident
By Nikhat Fatima,
Right after the Pulwama attacks, Kashmiri Muslims were targeted all over India and a feeling of hatred towards Pakistan was in...
This Bengal teacher collects, cooks food to feed the impoverished
By Milinda Ghosh Roy
Kolkata, Jan 27 (IANS) While the habit of wasting food at festivities, parties or even at household dinners has become an...
Satyarthi foundation pledges support in tracking missing children at Kumbh
Prayagraj, (IANS) Kailash Satyarthi Children's Foundation, a leading child rights group, has mobilised hundreds of its volunteers for providing support to the authorities in...
Villagers in Bihar withdraw girls from school after 50-year-old tuition teacher marries his teenage...
Supaul (Bihar), (IANS) Sony Kumari, Ruby Kumari and Manorma Kumari -- all minors and Class 9 student in a sleepy Bihar village -- have...
Christmas treat to street children in fancy restaurant -LA’CHEF in Aligarh
TCN News
ALIGARH, December 28: Rag Dreams' Weavers Association (RDWA), a non-profit organization that works to connect youth to bring change in the lives of...
19-month old girl hit by pellets in Kashmir; may lose her right eye forever
By Auqib Javeed,
Srinagar: Over the past 24 hours, most Indian media houses have carried the story of six militants and one Army soldier...
Muzaffarpur horror: Woman accused surrenders
Patna, Nov 20 (IANS) One of the accused in the Muzaffarpur shelter home horror, Madhu Kumari, who has been absconding for nearly six months,...
Kathua victim’s family drops lawyer Deepika Rajawat
Jammu, Nov 15 (IANS) The family of the eight-year-old Kathua rape and murder victim has decided to drop their lawyer Deepika Rajawat as she...
4,916 children rehabilitated through ‘Khoya Paya’: WCD
New Delhi, (IANS) The Women and Child Development Ministry on Wednesday said 4,916 children have been rehabilitated through the missing children track portal 'Khoya...
Perjury case against ‘hostile witness’ in Kathua rape-murder case
Jammu, Nov 8 (IANS) The Jammu and Kashmir crime branch that had presented a chargesheet in the Kathua rape-murder of a minor girl before...
A Bill to tackle identity based discrimination in educational institutions
By TCN News:
A National Convention ‘Towards Zero Discrimination in School Education’ was jointly organized by Swadhikar-National Dalit Movement for Justice (NDMJ-NCDHR), Centre for Social Equity and Inclusion (CSEI) and...
How the rape of a minor was politicised and trivialised in Hyderabad
By Staff Reporter
On September 14, a science exhibition was held in the premises of Azaan International School, Towli Chowki, where all the teachers...
Strict action demanded against the Azaan International school management for the rape of a...
By TCN News:
The rape of a 4 year old girl in the premises of Azaan International school on 14th September has shocked Hyderabad city....
SC stays Patna HC order for fresh probe team in Muzaffarpur case
New Delhi, Sep 18 (IANS) The Supreme Court on Tuesday stayed a Patna High Court order asking the CBI to set up a fresh probe team...
A year after the Gorakhpur tragedy, TCN investigation into BRD College shows all is...
By Siddhant Mohan,
Last year, BRD College in Gorakhpur shot to worldwide notoriety after dozens of children died due to a critical failure of...
BJP demands removal of AAP govt over minors’ starvation
New Delhi, July 26: BJP MPs on Thursday raised in the Lok Sabha the issue of deaths of three minor girls due to "starvation" and...
Three minor sisters starve to death in Delhi, probe ordered
New Delhi: Three sisters aged two, four and eight were found dead in their house here with autopsy reports suggesting that they died...