Man nearly killed. homes and property vandalised, women fleeing in fear: How a beef...

By Staff Reporter Monday, April 16, was supposed to be a joyous occasion in Nawadih village under Domchanch Police station in the Koderma district...

Jahangirabad Media Institute students tour offices of news channels and radio stations in Delhi

TCN News Barabanki (UP): Jahangirabad Media Institute (JMI), Barabanki on Saturday April 1, 2017, organised a tour for media students for Delhi based offices of...

Protests in Aliah University bring daily activities to a halt

By Mirza Mosaraf Hossain, For the past three weeks, both the campuses of Aliah University: Park Circus and New Town, have come to a...

Wife of eyewitness in Ramgarh lynching case killed outside Court on day of hearing

By Staff Reporter In a shocking turn of events in the case of the brutal murder of Alimuddin Ansari, the wife of an eyewitness...

The Curious Case of Sharjeel Usmani and Psychological Cognitive Distortion Disorder of Islamophobic crowd

By Tarafdar Zaman Human right activist Sharjeel Usmani was picked by Uttar Pradesh police from his Azamgarh home on Wednesday evening. His brother said that...

ओबरा : सड़क से लेकर विधायक तक सभी पहुंच से बाहर

सिद्धांत मोहन, ओबरा(सोनभद्र) - कहते हैं कि किसी सड़क की गुणवत्ता मापने का एक ही तरीका है कि उस पर कोई गर्भवती महिला बिना...

Not just Muslims, Adivasis have also suffered at the hands of ‘Gau Rakshaks’

Over the past three and a half years, India has witnessed an increase in attacks on marginalised communities in the name of “cow-protection” (Gau...

Our full solidarity with protesting students of Jamia and AMU, say Indian Americans

By NewsDesk, Indian American Muslim Council (IAMC), the largest advocacy organization of Indian Muslims in the United States, strongly condemns the brutal crackdown on students in...

जेल से बाहर आ गए मोहम्मद जुबैर

जिब्रानउद्दीन। आल्ट न्यूज़ के सह संस्थापक मोहम्मद जुबैर को सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने बुधवार को उनके ऊपर दर्ज सभी मामलों में ज़मानत दे दिया। जिसके बाद...

‘We want to know why they were killed’: Families of 3 Rajouri labourers killed...

By Ayushi Malik, Rajouri: Family members of three missing labourers from Rajouri district of Jammu, who were killed in an alleged 'fake encounter' in...

इंडिया गेट पर रोड सेफ्टी के लिए जुटें हजारो हाथ एक साथ

TCN News नई दिल्ली: पिछले एक दशक में, सड़क दुर्घटनाएं लोगों के जीवन में चर्चा का विषय बनी हुई है। देश में अप्राकृतिक मृत्यु का...

Aliah University standoff continues; nine students arrested, three hospitalised during protests

By Mirza Mosaraf Hossain, The standoff between students and administration at Aliah University shows no sign of ending, with more than 20 students beaten...

Citizens of India and Pakistan to celebrate 45-day-long peace intiative

TCN News Citizens of India and Pakistan have come together for a 45-day-long peace campaign which will conclude with a joint celebration on 14 and...

Hyderabad-based rights group seeks justice for Makkah Masjid Blast victims

By, Staff Reporter Hyderabad: Hyderabad-based human rights organisation, Civil Liberties Monitoring Committee has expressed grave concern over the delay in providing justice to the...

Fierce protest poet, anti-CAA activist Ashraful Hussain wins assembly election in Assam, spurs hope...

The 27-year-old is the youngest representative in the Assam legislative assembly following his victory over incumbent and former Congress minister Sukur Ali Ahmed from...

Bihar: “His killing was doomsday for us,” family of Muslim youth lynched by mob...

The family of 30-year-old youth Ajjan Imran, who was lynched in Nawada district of Bihar on September 29 and died a day later, are...

सहारनपुर : हिंसा जारी, भारी तबादले लेकिन प्रशासन के लिए ‘स्थिति नियंत्रण में’

आस मोहम्मद कैफ, सहारनपुर : कल देर शाम बसपा सुप्रीमो मायावती की शब्बीरपुर से वापसी के बाद बड़गांव-चंद्रपुर मार्ग पर दलितों पर हुए हमले...

State shielding perpetrators, polarising communities, says Kashmir civil society group on rape and murder...

By Staff reporter The Jammu and Kashmir Coalition of Civil Society (JKCCS) on Wednesday, January 31 expressed serious apprehensions on the role of police...

In solidarity with Shehla Rashid

By Sana Khan for So much has already been written, in support of her and against her, so much so that a few AMU...

Targeted for activism? Jamia cancels PhD registration of a student activist without giving a...

By Staff Reporter New Delhi: The authoritarian nature of Jamia Millia Islamia against its own students seems to have hit the next level. After...

Asif Dange: The man behind, a completely free and safe Matrimony site

By Staff Reporter Mumbai: In January 2014, Asif Dange, a Navi Mumbai-based resident and an engineer by profession was looking for suitable match for...

‘I was denied food and beaten,’ the unregistered story of child trafficking in Bihar

Trafficking is a common story of hundreds of children every year in Gaya  and adjoining districts of Bihar including Nawdah, Aurangabad and Jahanabad. Many...

A Boutique in Malegaon hoists a shirt on Republic Day

TCN News with inputs from S N Ansari Indians boutique in Malegaon has designed a 32 feet long shirt using the tricolours of the Indian...

Recurrent lockdowns in Kashmir see surge in domestic abuse

By Asma Hafiz, In August 2019, Insha (name changed) lay dying in her husband’s house after he locked her in a room for seven...

Fast-track court, fearless lawyers and an unbiased Police: How 11 people got life sentences...

By Staff Reporter Shadab Ansari has been practising law for over a decade, but never before did he resort to leaving the court via the back...

Kathua and Unnao: Indian Americans protest against horrific rapes and the government’s handling of...

TCN News Hundreds of Indian Americans came together in cities across the United States for candlelight vigils and demonstrations demanding fair and speedy trials of...

सवाल : आखिर कौन दे रहा है जुनैद और नासिर के हत्यारों को संरक्षण...

आकिल हुसैन । हरियाणा में गाय की तस्करी के आरोप में नासिर और जुनैद को गाड़ी समेत जलानें की घटना को 48 घंटे हो...

मुज़फ़्फ़रनगर व देवबंद से एटीएस ने चार युवकों को पकड़ा Staff Reporter चरथावल (मुज़फ़्फ़रनगर) : यूपी एटीएस ने मुज़फ़्फ़रनगर के चरथावल थाना क्षेत्र के गांव कुटेसरा से फ़ज़र की नमाज़ पढ़ाकर मस्जिद से बाहर...

सचिन वालिया की मौत के बाद बदल गई है भीम आर्मी की कहानी

आस मोहम्मद कैफ, सहारनपुर : सचिन वालिया की मौत के बाद के भीम आर्मी गहरे बदलाव की और है इसके लिए भीम आर्मी के...

हाईकोर्ट के इस फैसले के बाद तबलीग़ को बदनाम करने वालों के विरुद्ध...

वसीम अकरम त्यागी  कोरोना काल में बॉम्बे हाईकोर्ट ने तब्लीग़ी जमात के विदेशी सदस्यों को ‘राहत’ दे दी है. कोर्ट का मानना है कि सरकार...

Rahul Gandhi assures voices of NRI will be heard in Indian parliament at public...

By TCN News Rahul Gandhi, President of the Indian National Congress (INC), was given a huge welcome at the airport on Thursday evening. And on...

Sir Syed Day 2019 in Northern California a resounding success

By Ras H. Siddiqui, The Aligarh Muslim University Alumni Association of Northern California (AMUAA-CA) commemorated Sir Syed Day in honour of the founder of...

भीम आर्मी के समर्थन में आए ओवैसी Staff Reporter नई दिल्ली : भीम आर्मी के समर्थन में अब ओवैसी की पार्टी ऑल इंडिया मजलिस-ए-इत्तेहादुल मुस्लिमीन (मजलिस) भी आ गई है. इस...

मेरठ में अमित शाह ने रद्द की पदयात्रा, गठबंधन पर किया हमला

फहमिना हुसैन, मेरठ: उत्तर प्रदेश की चुनावी सरगर्मी के बीच भारतीय जनता पार्टी के राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष अमित शाह आज प्रदेश के मेरठ जिले पहुंचे....

Kind gestures not brute force is the way for policemen on the frontline of...

By Dr Nadeem Jilani As a doctor myself, reports of attacks on doctors from various places are profoundly disturbing and we must condemn such incidents...

Adivasi girl branded ‘mentally ill’ for speaking against discrimination finally allowed to continue her...

By Staff Reporter Thiruvananthapuram: After suffering for many months, Athira, a tribal student of College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram (CET), is finally upbeat, and for...

The ugliness and the inherent anti-Muslim bias of Atul Kochhar

By Masarat Daud for In the aftermath of Chef Atul Kochhar’s bigoted outburst on Twitter last week, we must revisit the episode to understand...

How a Messi fan in Kerala village became a football journalist in Spain

Jushna Shahin’s passion for the sport made her achieve the unthinkable. Najiya O |  KERALA — Jushna Shahin’s earliest memories are of watching football matches on...

Why our whole society is ‘Boys Locker Room’

By Mansi Singh A large number of people took to social media after the recent Boy's Locker room incident to express their rage and anger...

पत्रकार दानिश सिद्दीकी की शहादत को पूरा हुआ एक साल

आकिल हुसैन। Two आज एक उत्साही और जांबाज़ पत्रकार दानिश सिद्दीकी की जिंदगी का सफ़र पूरा हुए एक साल हो गया है। 16...

Assassination of Shujaat Bukhari rattles journalist fraternity in Kashmir; calls for a comprehensive probe

By Raqib Hameed Naik, Srinagar: On Thursday, June 14 evening, Kashmir valley went into mourning after one of its senior journalist and editor of...

Weaver’s in Uttar Pradesh decry lack of govt support amid lockdown, worry for future

By Musheera Ashraf, Uttar Pradesh: “While the country is struggling to fight the pandemic, the Uttar Pradesh government seems to have unleashed a war...

In UP, ‘smuggling’ cows to be taken as a matter of National Security

By Staff Reporter If you are 'caught' smuggling cows or slaughtering them and happen to be living in Uttar Pradesh, you may likely face...

‘My son, 14, was forced to pick up the gun ‘ Part III of...

What are many Indian teengaer’s biggest concerns when they are 15 years old? Homework? Upcoming exams? Family pressures? No We do not need an...

Bihar Elections: Bardaha residents want a government that cares for ‘Muslims, other weaker sections...

By Sami Ahmad, Bardaha: Bardaha, which falls in Madhubani district in Bihar, is a green village. Flood has affected its paddy crop but the...

Mandatory Bengali in West Bengal schools evokes mixed response from residents

By Mirza Mosaraf Hossain, The ICSE, ISC, CBSE, Hindi and other medium schools in West Bengal are likely to introduce Bengali as a compulsory...

Kalluri, Yagna and the slow death of journalism in IIMC

By Siddhant Mohan, Prime Minister Narendra Modi once called Lord Ganesha as the pioneer case of Cosmetic Surgery, and the Hindu right-wing is overwhelmingly...

Longread: Genealogy of Islamophobia and Construction of Muslims as Enemy in India

By Mohammad Saif Being a Muslim in India is one of the biggest threats since the last few years, particularly in the reign of the...

अब मां कमलेश लड़ रही हैं चन्द्रशेखर ‘रावण’ की लड़ाई

आस मुहम्मद कैफ़, सहारनपुर : कहने को चन्द्रशेखर आज़ाद ‘रावण’ के साथ दुनिया भर का दलित था, मगर अब वो अकेला पड़ गया है....

Cutting budgetary allocation for education detrimental to country’s future: JIH Education Board

TCN News New Delhi: The Education Board of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind (JIH) has expressed serious concerns over slashing allocation of funds for the education sector by...

Manipur: Muslim constable killed in custody; locals demand CBI inquiry

By Staff Reporter In yet another case of custodial killing, a policeman who was suspended and later arrested for alleged wrongdoings was murdered by...

‘Kashmir is graveyard of probes, not expecting justice from courts,’ says family of slain...

Auqib Javeed, Budgam: Kashmir has the distinction of being known as as the graveyard for inquiries and probes of civilian killings at the hands of...

“We are united to fight fascism”, CPI (ML) candidate Sandeep Saurav aims to bring...

By Chinki Sinha, New Delhi: There was a poem by Punjabi communist poet Pash he stumbled upon in Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) during his...

मीडिया संस्थानों पर आयकर के छापे,देश भर में हुई सरकार की आलोचना

आकिल हुसैन। देश के दो मीडिया हाउस 'दैनिक भास्कर' और यूपी के हिंदीं समाचार चैनल 'भारत समाचार' के विभिन्न शहरों में स्थित परिसरों में...

Sponsorship deal cancelled; powerlifter Majiziya Bhanu requests help on social media

By Najiya O, International powerlifter Majiziya Bhanu has qualified to participate in the World Championship being held in Russia in December but is in...

आख़िर बीएचयू कुलपति को क्यों नहीं मिला राजनैतिक समर्थन?

सोमप्रभ हालांकि अभी बीएचयू मामले में कुलपति और बीएचयू प्रशासन पर पूरी तरह से एक्शन लिया जाना बाक़ी है. लेकिन पहले से ही मैं तय...

Transgenders turn saviors for the poor in pandemic

By Mahesh Trivedi, While the Indian government and state administrations have done precious little for their starving families, the Corona carnage has become a...

Manipur Floods: Sahayata Trust starts relief work for flood victims

By, Staff Reporter Manipur: Responding to one of the worst floods in Manipur’s recent history, Hyderabad-based Sahayata Trust has initiated immediate relief work providing...

शर्मनाक खुलासा : कोरोना की दवाई बताकर पिलाई जा रही थी बच्चों को शराब,...

मोहम्मद वसीम । के लिए    मुजफ्फरनगर- "मैडम हमें शराब पीने के लिए कहा जाता था मना करने पर जबर्दस्ती करते थे, फिर हमें कोरोना की...

Dear BJP, spare us the moral high ground: your politics is no different from...

By Mohammed Rehan Ansari for The UP elections show that Narendra Modi’s charisma and Amit Shah’s strategies rolled over the new-born Samajwadi Party, the...

Immigrant Muslim woman to be the first hijab-wearing senator in Australian parliament

Fatima Payman is an Afghan-Australian woman whose family fled Afghanistan in 1999 to settle in Australia. Basil Islam |  NEW DELHI — Labor Party candidate...

I dream of a casteless society – Jeyarani

By Nikhat Fatima, Dalit History Month began in 2015 inspired by the ‘Black History month’ in the US. April is observed as the Dalit...

मतगणना में गड़बड़ी की आशंका के बीच उत्तर प्रदेश में गरमाई सियासत

स्टाफ रिपोर्टर। न्यूज़ चैनलों पर एग्जिट पॉल के नतीज़े आने के बाद उत्तर प्रदेश अलग तरह की हलचल देखी जा रही है। लखनऊ में समाजवादी...

Tipu Sultan Jayanti celebrated in Karnataka admist security despite protests from BJP

TCN News with inputs from IANS Bengaluru: Security has been stepped up across Karnataka in view of the birthday celebration (Jayanti) of the erstwhile Mysuru...

In this Gujarat town, no place to bury dead as high-caste residents flood Dalit...

By Mahesh Trivedi, Gujarat: Dalits in Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s wealthy state of Gujarat are named and shamed during their entire lives but, for...

अंतरराष्ट्रीय जनसंख्या दिवस पर विशेष :संघ के बड़े एजंडे का छोटा सा हिस्सा है...

यूसुफ़ अंसारी साल 2014 में केंद्र में मोदी सरकार बनने के बाद बीजेपी देश भर में अपने व्यापक एजेंडे को लागू करने की दिशा में...

Rehman Sahib – A Short Tribute

By Naved Masood   What was apprehended for the last couple of days came to pass last evening; Mehmood ur Rehman Sahib (1942- 2017) completed...

Activists and intellectuals call upon Jharkhand government to lift ban on PFI

By Pervez Bari, Activists and intellectuals drawn from different corners of the country have called upon the Government of Jharkhand to immediately lift the...

My brother was jailed for serving langar to anti-CAA protesters: sister of detained Kashmir...

By Auqib Javeed, Srinagar: For nearly a month now, Sandeep Kour hasn’t heard a word from her brother Mohinderpal Singh. Her anxiety grows every...

Assam: One killed as Police opens fire on people protesting against ‘doubtful voter’ cases

By Staff Reporter One person was killed and several injured on June 30 when Police opened fire at people demonstrating against 'Doubt voter' cases...

Fetish of Hindu supremacists to see Muslim houses crumbling, and Muslims going to jail:...

Transcript of the interview given by student activist Afreen Fatima to Maktoob Media on June 16. Fatima’s house was demolished by Prayagraj (Allahabad) authorities...

‘Every time we see policemen, our blood boils’ Part IV of Kashmiri teenagers stories

What are many Indian teengaer’s biggest concerns when they are 15 years old? Homework? Upcoming exams? Family pressures? No We do not need an...

“They didn’t even spare women,” Muslim villagers allege Police brutality in UP’s Shamli

By Ghazala Ahmad, Uttar Pradesh: In Taprana village of Shamli, Uttar Pradesh, police vandalized Muslim houses, thrashed residents, including women – local residents told...

“Azad fights war of weak in a powerful way,” well-wishers of Bhim Army leader...

Bhim Army Chief supremo Chandrashekhar Azad has been featured in TIME magazine’s annual list of 100 “emerging leaders who are shaping the future”.

आखिरकार पत्रकार सिद्दीक कप्पन को रिहाई मिली

स्टाफ रिपोर्टर। लगभग 28 महीने के बाद पत्रकार सिद्दीक कप्पन जेल से रिहा हो गए हैं। कोर्ट ने पत्रकार सिद्दीक कप्पन को एक-एक लाख...

The new ‘no news’ in Kerala: sexual abuse of minor orphan girl by teacher

By Najiya O, Kerala: In a country where attacks on women and girls are nothing new, the alleged rape of a nine-year-old orphan girl...

Faiz Ahmad Faiz and the de-Islamisation of a Muslim revolutionary

By Sharjeel Imam and Saquib Salim for Faiz has often been seen as a Communist poet by many progressive circles within the sub-continent. The...

Legal literacy an effective tool to control violence against women in India

India has slipped to the 112th spot from its 108th position in 2018 in the World Economic Forum's Global Gender Gap Index 2020, which...

‘Badlistan’ –a rap protest against the name changing of places

By Najiya O, When you are socially and politically aware and yearn to do something creative, even a casual tour can give you great...

Special public prosecutor appointed in Riyas Moulavi murder case

By Staff Reporter Kasargod: Following agitations and state-wide demands, Kerala Government has appointed M Ashokan as the special public prosecutor in Riyas Moulavi murder...

Kerala Muslim Cultural Centre donates two ambulances for services in rural Odisha

By Staff Reporter The image of Dana Majhi and Sumi Dhibar walking with the dead body of their kin in Kalahandi and Angul districts...

Over 25 houses demolished without prior notice in Delhi’s Muslim locality: Fact-finding team

The demolition of houses was carried out in a predominantly Muslim locality in Fatehpur Beri in New Delhi. Waquar Hasan | NEW DELHI — Several...

Meet Wani, the 82-Year-Old Man Who Runs Kashmir’s Last Traditional Oil Mill

Faizan Mir, Inside a dimly lit old two-story mud and timber house patched with tin sheets, 82-year-old Ghulam Mohammad Wani guides an old angled...

Ensure protection of all five mosques under Central Vista Project: JUH to Govt

In a letter to Hardeep Singh Puri, Minister, Housing & Urban Affairs, Govt of India, Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind National President Maulana Mahmood Madani sought overall...

Dr Sadathullah Khan’s ‘Discover Yourself’ workshops offer Islamic perspectives on personality development

Dr Sadathullah Khan, who hails from the south Indian state of Bengaluru, is an Engineer by profession. He has conducted more than 450 ‘Discover...

Cleaning India, but dying a slow death: How manual scavengers pay with their lives

By Raqib Hameed Naik, Ghaziabad (UP): It is a busy but regular weekday in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. At the tea point in Sector 10,...

Maulana Syed Shahabuddin Salfi Firdausi: A cleric who built a Blood Bank in Solapur

By Ubaid Salfi for The role played by Muslim clerics (Ulema) during freedom movement in India cannot be undermined. The sacrifices they made and...

Meet Ayesha Qureshi, a resin artist from Uttar Pradesh’s Meerut

Nikhat Fatima / Ayesha, 31, a native of Uttar Pradesh’s Meerut town was born with a passion for drawing and painting and displayed it from...

कई गांवों की तरह बदहाल वरुण गांधी का आदर्श ग्राम

सिद्धांत मोहन, सुल्तानपुर : सुल्तानपुर जिले में वल्लीपुर नाम की दो जगहें हैं. एक वल्लीपुर सुल्तानपुर शहर से 25 किलोमीटर दूर है और दूसरा...

Terrorist attacks and the media

By Shams ur Rehman Alavi In the last few weeks of April and May 2019, there were deadly terror attacks by Maoists in Chhattisgarh and...

Meet Kaneez Fatima, Karnataka’s Only Muslim Woman MLA

By Imran Inamdar,  Kaneez Fatima, the hijab-clad politician who won in the recent assembly elections in Karnataka is currently very popular with her videos...

Is it Right for India to Lift Partial ban on Hydroxychloroquine Supply?

Shamsuzzaman Ansari   Hydroxychloroquine’s efficacy in treating COVID-19 patients is yet to be shown in large randomized clinical trials India can produce up to 70...

Family of arrested Kashmiri photojournalist accuses NIA of fabricating charges

By Raqib Hameed Naik, New Delhi: On Thursday, January 18, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) filed a charge sheet in the NIA Special Court...

On International Women’s Day, let us remember the legacy of first lady of Islam

By Moin Qazi for Motherhood is a mercy, being linked By close affinity to prophethood, And her compassion is the prophet’s own. For mothers shape the way...

Gulbarg Society massacre: Gujarat HC grants bail to convicted VHP leader Atul Vaidya

By Staff Reporter Gujarat High court on Tuesday granted bail to Atul Vaidya, a leader of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad who was convicted in...

Muslim girl teaching Yoga in Ranchi provided security after threats

Ranchi, (IANS): Security has been provided to a Muslim girl in Jharkhand who teaches Yoga, as she is facing a threat to her life from...

For the first time, Muslim doctors of Gujarat to come together for a seminar...

By Raqib Hameed Naik, Vadodara: Two not for profit organisations are organising the 1st state-level seminar for all Muslim doctors of Gujarat to enhance...

Ramadan 1438: Mohammad Yousuf

By Nawal Ali Watali, "This Lake had many more Willow trees before and was cleaner, all this little dirt comes through streams from Srinagar."...

दिल्ली में मोदी-शाह पर भारी पड़ रहे केजरीवाल, ‘आप’ की आंधी में उड़ी बीजेपी

यूसुफ़ अंसारी, नई दिल्ली। दिल्ली विधानसभा चुनाव का मतदान ख़त्म होने के बाद अलग-अलग न्यूज़ चैनलो के एग्ज़िट पोल्स के औसत के मुताबिक आम...

Sabarimala: All women face backlash, but the worst is being reserved for Dalit women

By Najiya O, Several women tried to enter the Sabarimala temple in southern Kerala following the Supreme Court order allowing entry for all women...

Marginalization of BJP’s Dalit MPs

By Kashif-ul-Huda, Out of 80 Lok Sabha seats in Uttar Pradesh, 71 returned Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) candidates. Two returned BJP ally Apna Dal...

वोटर बोले : “हम किसी को कैसे बता दें कि किसको वोट देंगे”

अफ़रोज़ आलम साहिल, गाज़ियाबाद : गाज़ियाबाद के गौशाला फाटक से जैसे ही आगे बढ़ते हैं, प्रेम नगर का इलाक़ा शुरू होता है. ये बस्ती...

कोरोना वायरस की वजह से ‘लुधियाना शाहीन बाग़’ का धरना स्थगित, मस्जिदेंं करेंगी ग़़रीबों...

TCN Staff  लुधियाना। देशभर में दिन-ब-दिन करोना वायरस को लेकर बढ़ रही सतर्कता को देखते हुए पंजाब के दीनी मरकज जामा मस्जिद लुधियाना से शाही...

सकतपुर : यहां मुसलमानों को नमाज़ पढ़ने की इजाज़त नहीं है! Staff Reporter अमरोहा : रमज़ान के इस पाक महीने में अमरोहा के सैदनगली थाना इलाक़े के सकतपुर गांव के मुसलमान नमाज़ नहीं पढ़ सकते,...

बस्तरिया आदिवासी संस्कृति का हिस्सा नहीं है “दीपावली”

By राकेश दर्रो, यह कहना गलत नहीं होगा कि आदिवासी संस्कृति का हिस्सा नहीं है दीपों का पर्व दीपावली क्योंकि बस्तरिया आदिवासी दीपावली पर्व...

No staff, no toilets, but lone teacher suspended for reciting Urdu prayer

By Meena Kotwal,   In a shocking incident, the headmaster of a government school in Pilibhit district of Uttar Pradesh was suspended only because he...

2005 Hyderabad suicide blasts: Ten Muslims declared innocent after 12 years in jail, but...

By Amit Kumar, Every once in awhile, you will see small news items appearing in your feed. They are mostly filed by news agencies...

Will the ‘self-righteous’ AMU students now disown Sir Syed too?

By Naved Ashrafi for Sir Syed Ahmad Khan—the founder of the Aligarh Muslim University (AMU)—died on 27th March 1898. A day before his death...

Outrage grows as anti-Hijab row escalates in Karnataka

The ban has sparked fears of further marginalization among the Muslim community of Karnataka who constitute around 12 percent of the state’s population. Muhammad...

तोड़ी गई राष्ट्रपिता महात्मा गांधी की समाधि Staff Reporter नई दिल्ली : ख़बर है कि मध्य प्रदेश राज्य के बड़वानी स्थित ज़िला मुख्यालय के समीप राजघाट में स्थापित राष्ट्रपिता महात्मा गांधी...

शोभापुर कांड : पुलिस के लिए ‘बच्चा चोर’ लेकिन सरकार के लिए ‘गो-मांस तस्कर’

अफ़रोज़ आलम साहिल, शोभापुर/हल्दीपोखर : ‘आज से पहले कभी इस गांव ने इतनी हिंसक भीड़ नहीं देखी थी. पुलिस के सामने ही नईम...

‘Lower Court allowing appeal for survey is against High Court order:’ says Lucknow Mosque’s...

Additional District Judge-I (ADJ-I) Praful Kamal allowed the Hindu litigants to appeal in a lower court for a survey of the Teele Wali...

Fading Glory: Khrew’s Transformation from Saffron Capital to Sparse Cultivation

Mohammad Aatif Ammad Kanth and Hamaad Habibullah, Srinagar: Khrew in Kashmir’s Pampore town, which is known for its lush saffron fields, once thrived with abundant...

Public prosecutor in the Una Dalit atrocity case quits

TCN News Citing reasons of security and remuneration, special public prosecutor Dipendra Yadav has written to the legal department to be relieved from the Dalit...

30 days and counting: Marwah villagers continue their hunger strike against Bursar Dam in...

By TCN News Marwah (Kishtwar): The residents of dozens of villages in Marwah Tehsil of Kishtwar district, Jammu are on a hunger strike since April...

ईशनिंदा, मुसलमानों की ज़िम्मेदारियां और विश्व समुदाय

वसीम अकरम त्यागी  पेरिस में मोहम्मद पैगम्बर ए इस्लाम वाले ‘अध्यापक’ की हत्या कर दी गई। इस अध्यापक ने क्लास के दौरान पैगंम्बर ए इस्लाम...

तबाही : मुम्बई में झुग्गियों पर गिरी दीवार ,17 की दर्दनाक मौत

स्टाफ़ रिपोर्टर। मुंबई में बारिश का कहर देखने को मिला हैं। भारी बारिश ने मुंबई को बेहाल कर दिया है। मुंबई के दो इलाकों...

Indian diaspora groups submit memo to Indian embassies across Europe, demand repeal of new...

TCN News Several Indian Diaspora groups across Europe submitted a common memorandum to Indian embassies in their respective countries of residence, demanding repeal of the three...

Muslim farmer killed in Jammu village, family demand punishment against culprits

By Ayushi Malik,  Jammu: In Phalian Mandal village of Satwari in Jammu, a local Gujjar Muslim farmer’s killing at the hands of a gang...

Jamia improved its ranking despite protests, crackdown, lockdown

By Md Mustafa Recently, National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) released its most awaited ranking of top universities in India. According to its website, its framework...

मेरा कोई राजनीतिक स्टैंड नहीं है, लेकिन बतौर फिल्ममेकर मैं स्टैंड लेता हूं- जैगम...

इंटरव्‍यू स्मिता ठाकुर 1- नक्‍काश किस जोनर की फिल्‍म है, फिल्‍म के बारे में थोडा तफसील से बताएं? ये एक सोशल पॉलिटिकल ड्रामा है। सीधे शब्दों...

अपनी योग्यता को देश की सेवा में समर्पित करना चाहती है सदफ़ चौधरी

आसमोहम्मद कैफ। कैमिकल इंजीनियरिंग की पढ़ाई और फिर एक अमेरिकी बैंक मेंं काम कर चुकी सदफ़ चौधरी के घर का माहौल पूरी तरह...

Ayodhya Verdict: Hindus get ownership of disputed land, Muslims to get alternate site

By Staff Reporter The ownership of the disputed land in Ayodhya will be given to Hindus while Muslims will be allotted an alternate land...

Thrown out of convocation ceremony attended by President, Kerala girl refuses gold medal

By Staff Reporter In an extremely controversial step, Rabeeha Abdurehim, a student from Kerala, was sent out of the hall in which President Ramnath...

Panel to curb violence against Muslims formed in Hyderabad

TCN News Several Muslim organisations in Hyderabad have held meetings to chalk out a plan to curb incidents of violence especially mob violence against Muslims...

मेरठ में कश्मीरी छात्र की पिटाई से गुर्जरों में उबाल

आस मुहम्मद कैफ़, मेरठ : उत्तर प्रदेश के मेरठ जनपद स्थित चौधरी चरण सिंह विश्वविद्यालय में पढ़ रहे एक कश्मीरी छात्र अनीस पोसवाल के...

My name is Mohammad Yousuf. I am a Rohingya and I don’t want to...

What does a Rohingya feel when he is told that he is an ‘illegal immigrant’, a ‘security threat’ and ‘unwanted’ in India? What was...

Fight for justice in India and USA: Similarities and faultlines

By Amina Mirza,  While the world is fighting the invisible enemy COVID-19 - the two oldest and largest democracies, the United States and India,...

प्रधानमंत्री नरेन्द्र मोदी से 20 सवाल, जो मीडिया कभी नहीं पूछता

दिलीप मंडल बीजेपी ने 2014 के लोकसभा चुनाव से पहले अपने घोषणा-पत्र में भारत की जनता से कुछ वादे किए थे, जिन्हें पांच साल में...

Thousands of students protest against India’s “jobless” growth in Delhi

By Inder Bisht for Discontent over unemployment spilt over on to the streets of Delhi on February 12 when thousands of students, teachers and...

Dalit activists organise second ‘Villuvandi Yatra’ in Kerala in wake of Sabarimala protests

By Najiya O, 2018 marks the 125th anniversary of the famous ‘Villuvandi (ox-wagon) Yatra’ of Mahatma Ayyankali in Kerala. In commemoration of the historic...

With Chandrashekhar in jail, Dalits of Saharanpur seek to rekindle struggle

By Siddhant Mohan & Aas Mohammad Kaif, Bhim Army is trying to ensure that the fight for justice and equality continues even as its...

Ramadan 1439: Navaid Alam

By Poornima Marh, Navaid Alam, originally from UP, has been living in Bangalore for more than 20 years now. He spent 12 years of...

More than 1,000 people displaced, two dead as erosion plays havoc in Goalpara, Assam

By Staff Reporter Monsoons are in full swing in a number of states of the country, especially the North East. And unfortunately, like every...

Kashmiri doctors appalled at police firing inside Shopian hospital; call for intervention

By Staff Reporter Srinagar: The Doctors Association of Kashmir has strongly objected to the firing incident inside the district hospital in Shopian by the...

Man used as human shield in Kashmir was not a stone pelter, says J&K...

By Raqib Hameed Naik, Srinagar: Nailing the Indian Army claims to parade Farooq Ahmad Dar as a human shield by tying him to his...

गोरखा संगठनों का फ़ैसला है कि ‘हम फॉरेनर्स ट्रिब्यूनल्स में नहीं जाएंगे…’

एनआरसी की अंतिम लिस्ट से बाहर कर दिए गए 19 लाख 6 हज़ार 657 लोग खुद को भारतीय साबित करने की क़वायद में जहां...

तो क्या आरएसएस के इशारे पर हो रही है गो-रक्षा के नाम पर हत्या?

अफ़रोज़ आलम साहिल, नई दिल्ली : हाल में ही ‘सिटीजन अगेंस्ट हेट’ की ओर से जारी एक रिपोर्ट में यह बात खुलकर सामने आई...

एसडीपीआई ने मुजफ्फरनगर में किया सम्मेलन, जुटी भीड़ , सांप्रदायिक ताकतों पर साधा निशाना

निखिल जोशिया के लिए मुजफ्फरनगर में आयोजित किए गए एसडीपीआई पार्टी के सम्मेलन में वक्ताओं ने देश मे फैल रही सांप्रदायिकता को लेकर...

Controversy in Kashmir after Army-run school asks staff to ‘avoid Hijab’

The Dagger Parivaar School, which is run by the Army in collaboration with an NGO, said the move was aimed to help disabled students...

Tamil Nadu Towheed Jamath demand apology from Times of India for associating them with...

TCN News After the bombings in Sri Lanka on Easter, 21st April that killed 320 people, there have been speculations about the individuals/ group behind...

Mohammed Farooq: The Bangalore resident behind an old-age home, a food bank and putting...

By Amit Kumar, How much money do you need to be called rich? And more importantly, how much money do you need to assure...

चोरी हुई खच्चर तो खुद के कंधे पर 70 किलोमीटर तक बुग्गी खींचती रही...

आस मुहम्मद कैफ़, शामली : यह दर्दनाक कहानी एक ऐसी लडक़ी की है, जिसने अपनी बुग्गी को 120 किलोमीटर तक अपने कंधे पर खच्चर...

Amid rise in COVID-19 deaths, Telangana youth step up to offer dignified burials

By Musheera Ashraf, Telangana: After offering the customary Fajr (morning) prayers thirty-eight-year old Syed Jalaluddin Sheikh from Hyderabad starts his day by burying dead...

नहटौर के नदीम : इस नाबीना इंसान की कहानी में खुद्दारी बहुत है

आस मोहम्मद कैफ | नहटौर तेज बारिश में सड़के घुटनों तक भर गई है. नहटौर के मौहल्ला-गलीतालाब सचमुच तालाब बन चुका है. भीगते हुए हम...

Delhi Police detains protesters campaigning for law against mob-lynching

By Staff Reporter The Delhi Police on Wednesday briefly detained protesters who were marching for the implementation and enactment of MASUKA (Maanav Suraksha Kanoon)....

Mohammed Sanaullah once served Indian army but now declared a foreigner

TCN News Mohammed Sanaullah, 52 years, served in the Indian Army for 30 years and after his retirement joined the Border Police where he was...

अलीगढ का नाम ‘हरिगढ़ ‘ करने की कवायद,जिला पंचायत में प्रस्ताव पास

स्टाफ़ रिपोर्टर। उत्तर प्रदेश विधानसभा चुनाव से पहले नाम बदलने की राजनीति फिर से शुरू होने लगी है। सोमवार को अलीगढ़ के नवगठित जिला...

Owaisi welcomes single-phase polling in Andhra, Telangana

Hyderabad, March 10 (IANS) MIM chief Asaduddin Owaisi on Sunday welcomed the Election Commission's decision to have single-phase polling in Telugu states of Telangana...

22 killed as terror attack hits Ariana Grande concert in Manchester

Manchester, (IANS): At least 22 persons, including children, died and 59 were injured in a suicide terror attack that hit Manchester Arena on Monday...
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