Indian Muslim
Lynch in India
Indian Muslim
Lynch in India
Indian Muslim
Lynch in India
Posts by Nikhat Fatima
Nikhat Fatima
3497 POSTS
“Lockdown used to crush dissent,” say student leaders on police action...
Indian Muslim
Journalist ‘threatened’ for exposing police brutality on Muslims in Ahmedabad
Indian Muslim
Jamat-e-Islami Hind distributes Eid gifts among Corona warriors in Coimbatore
India News
Jamia Professor’s study finds ‘similar virulent factor like coronavirus found in...
Longread: Believing women who pray, evidence from scripture and history
Indian Muslim
Islamophobia in India more prominent than ever, reveals new report by...
Can humanism survive the onslaught of hate?
Indian Muslim
Congressional briefing calls for US action to curb violence against minorities...
Indian Muslim
Encounters leave trail of destruction for Kashmiri families, scores of homes...
In virtual press briefing, activists condemn Delhi police witch hunt of...
“We would rather work, than beg,” say migrant workers stranded in...
Blaming Muslims for spreading COVID-19 is a ‘New Normal’ in India
कांधों पर दर्द की गठरी लादे मेहनतकशों के लिए दर्दमंदी...
Indian Muslim
IMPAR: A newly formed ‘Muslim’ think tank and its alleged ties...
Indian Muslim
St. Paul City Council passes resolution opposing CAA, declares BJP as...
India News
Teach in Urdu extends helping hand to worst-hit Urdu medium schools...
India Politics
उत्तर प्रदेश: योगी सरकार के ख़िलाफ़ आर-पार के मूड में प्रियंका,...
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“Our child died of hunger,” says Dalit family in Jharkand, exposing...
Lead Story
नैनीताल क्वारंटीन सेंटर में सवर्णो ने नहीं खाया दलित के हाथ...
Politics of Sedition under the cloak of National Interest
Indian Muslim
11 years on, justice eludes Muslim victims of Beemapalli police firing
Delhi police witch hunting Jamia student leaders: JCC
Indian Muslim
तबलीग़ की किताब ‘फ़ज़ाइले आमाल’ को फ़िल्म में बता दिया ‘आतंकवादियों’...
Indian Muslim
दरोगा ने बेच दी प्रवासी मजदूरों की उम्मीद की साइकिल
Indian Muslim
“We are discriminated because of our names” – UP’s Muslim vendors...
India News
Jamaat Islami Hind issues Ramadan, Eid advisory
India News
20 lakh crore package fails to address real problems of people:...
Indian Muslim
‘They kicked at the Iftar food’: Muslims allege Police of brutality...
‘Tyag’, ‘Tapasya’ and the long march of migrant labourers
Why does Indian Media detest Muslims so much?
Indian Muslim
मिसाल: औरंगाबाद ‘मजलिस’ का पार्षद बन गया हजारों मज़दूरों का मसीहा
As an Indian Muslim I have a dream and this is...
Indian Muslim
Muslim Women in Ranchi Lead Efforts In Providing Relief For Migrant,...
Collective failure in protecting the rights of migrant labourers
India Politics
Popular Front appeals govt for exemption of travel expenses for poor...
India News
‘Azaan is part of Islam but loudspeakers are not’: Allahabad High...
Indian Muslim
“Every front line worker must be respected,” says Kashmiri doctor who...
Indian Muslim
व्हाट्सएप ग्रुप का कमालः ‘हेल्प फॉर नीडी’ ने 50 दिन...
इक़बाल नियाज़ी: उर्दू ड्रामों की आन बान शान
No one’s workers: How migrant workers struggle to reach home
Indian Muslim
‘Kashmir is graveyard of probes, not expecting justice from courts,’ says...
Hyderabad Muslim Women’s Forum condemns “misogynistic trolling of women activists on...
Lead Story
क्वारन्टीन की दोस्ती: दिव्यांग गय्यूर को 780 किमी उनके...
Indian Muslim
“Corona will not go away by police violence,” residents of Deoband...
Tribal groups aghast with no mention of relief for Adivasis in...
Social Media as a Public Sphere: Where it is Heading?
नंदन को पैदल घर पहुंचने में लगे आठ दिन, टीसीएन को...
Indian Muslim
‘They hit a pregnant lady with a baton’: Shahpur’s Muslims accuse...
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Malegaon BJP MP blames ‘Tablighi Jamaat for bringing COVID-19 infections to...
India News
Civil Liberties Committee appeals Kejriwal to stop ‘malafide campaign against Dr...
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कोरोना आपदा के बीच क्वारन्टीन भोजन घोटाला, तहसीलदार संस्पेंड, एडीएम...
Public petition to Home Ministry demands action against “real culprits” of...
Indian Muslim
Gujarat’s Muslims fight Islamophobia, hatemongers amid COVID-19 lockdown
Indian Muslim
Clerics, leaders, activists demand withdrawal of sedition charges against Dr. Zafarul...
Finding Legality of ‘Lockdown” under Indian legal framework
Why our whole society is ‘Boys Locker Room’
Indian Muslim
‘We want to be home on Eid’: Jharkhand’s stranded labourers decry...
India News
BJP using law ‘to harass, crush any type of dissent’, says...
Indian Muslim
Students Islamic Organization of India feeds thousands of migrant laborers amid...
Non-involvement of religious representatives in Muslim think tank IMPAR a concern
‘हमें मदद के नाम पर ट्रक में बैठाकर जंगल मे छोड़...
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‘We were caged’: People in Uttar Pradesh quarantine centers complain of...
Indian Muslim
Patna hospital sent legal notice for refusing to admit Muslim patient
Indian Muslim
TCN Impact: Priyanka Gandhi sends help to Shakib
Can we put a brake on rampant Islamophobia?
Indian Muslim
टीसीएन ने की थी शाक़िब की बेबसी की रिपोर्ट, प्रियंका गांधी...
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Fresh NIA raids, interrogations in Maoist case in Kerala has left...
Challenges and remedies of dealing with social media hate-mongering
Indian Muslim
दारुल उलूम का फ़तवा मुसलमान ब्याज़ के पैसे से भी...
Indian Muslim
Activists say Twitter suspending Muslim accounts is ‘discriminatory, arbitrary’
Indian Muslim
Various organisations, individuals condemn sedition charges against Delhi Minorities Commission Chairman...
Indian Muslim
South Asian organisations in US accuse BJP of vendetta politics to...
Indian Muslim
Three photojournalists from Jammu Kashmir win Pulitzer Prize for clampdown coverage
Indian Muslim
The case against Zafarul Islam, and why Delhi Police must be...
Indian Muslim
Anti-CAA protests: Jamia student activists reel in fear as Delhi police...
Indian Muslim
दर्द-ए-लॉकडाऊन: तीन दिन में एक बार सब्जी बनाती है...
Indian Muslim
Mumbai based Muslim Engineer’s initiative to manufacture PPE’s bear results, 50,000...
Indian Muslim
“ढाई महीने का मेरा बच्चा भूख से बिलखता है, एक दिन...
Indian Muslim
Popular Front condemns sedition charges against Minority Commission Khan, terms it...
World Press Freedom Day: India’s Falling Image of Press Freedom Noticed
Indian Muslim
WATCH: How Muslim think tank plans to counter hate campaign against...
Indian Muslim
Muslim think tank IMPAR should reach out to poor, illiterate Muslims:...
India Politics
IUML appeal to President, UP Governor to release Dr Kafeel Khan
Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue greets people on Ramadan
India News
Karnataka govt issues show cause notice to IAS officer for praising...
Indian Muslim
Furore over Jamiat issuing ‘Halal Certificate’ to Ramdev’s Patanjali
“We should record our history, our victory” Dalit poet Mercy Margaret
Childbirths amid lockdown: Institutional measures needed
For this Dalit artist, ‘art is integral part of her community’
Structural Barriers to Media Openness in Kashmir
IMPAR : 200+ thought leaders form think tank to present true...
Indian Muslim
Muslim groups lead efforts in fighting COVID-19 lockdown crisis in BJP-ruled...
India Politics
Indian Americans welcomes US Commission report on India as top violator...
As world fights coronavirus, Kashmir struggles for information and education
India News
Popular Front files 1015 cases against news orgs for anti-Muslim hate
Lead Story
हरजीत को पंजाब पुलिस का सलाम, 80 हजार पुलिस वालों ने...
The calls from the constitution and how can we hear them?
Indian Muslim
AMU denies allegations of its medical college being hub of coronavirus...
यूपी:’चर्चित ऑडियो’ प्रकरण में संत युवराज गिरफ्तार
India News
Kuwaiti Cabinet of Ministers issues statement condemning attacks on Muslims in...
Indian Muslim
Gunfights on rise in Kashmir amid COVID-19 lockdown, UN ceasefire call...
In murder of Dalit man in Rajasthan, caste atrocities surface despite...
The UAE should do more to combat Islamophobia
Indian Muslim
बिजनोर में उरूज़ पर नफ़रत, अब नाम पूछकर फल विक्रेता को...
Indian Muslim
Tajammul and Muzammil, two brothers who sold property to feed the...
Indian Muslim
मुसलमानों के खिलाफ़ नफ़रत फैलाने वालों पर कड़ी कार्रवाई की मांग,...
Indian Muslim
Hundreds of academicians, journalists appeal UN Special Rapporteur to stop intimidation...
Indian Muslim
Meet Raees, determined to dispel myths about disability
Indian Muslim
Lockdown to extend till the end of May due to Ramzan:...
Ambedkar King Study Circle of USA observed Ambedkar Jayanti
India News
Civil society group warns against profiling of Tablighi Jamaat members
Lead Story
Transgenders turn saviors for the poor in pandemic
Lead Story
लॉकडाऊन के ‘रुझान’: डग्गामारी में अंधाधुंध लूट, एम्बुलेंस ढो रही हैं...
India Politics
Kashmir’s journalist body resolves to withstand ‘policing and intimidation’
Indian Muslim
Kashmiris face police brutality in COVID-19 lockdown
Indian Muslim
‘State wants to control media’: Journalists in Kashmir brace for worse
Ambedkarite community celebrates Cyber Jayanti on his 129th birthday
Never let a crisis go to waste
Indian Muslim
लॉकडाउनः रमज़ान में घर पर ही करें इबादत, उलेमा की मुसलमानों...
Lead Story
Did BJP’s youth wing leaders create a sham website to scam...
Indian Muslim
Corona and Communal Bigotry: India’s Double-Edged Dilemma
Indian Muslim
AMU sets operating procedure to deal COVID and pregnancy
Indian Muslim
Resident Doctors at AIIMS Delhi report ‘caste and gender based discrimination’
Indian Muslim
कैंसर अस्पताल ने दिखाई नफ़रत, मुसलमानों के अस्पताल आने पर लगा...
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देश मे राशन वितरण सबसे बड़ी समस्या,बेईमानी से बाज़ नही आ...
Indian Muslim
‘Jamia is a brave space that scares govt’: Students resolve to...
Indian Muslim
तबलीग़ी जमात से जुड़े होने के शक मेंं आर्थिक बहिष्कार झेल...
Indian Muslim
AMU alumnus develops COVID-19 testing kit
Indian Muslim
Meet Bijnor’s machine-maker Mustaqeem
Lead Story
Already scared by job loss and hunger, working class dreads aftermath...
Indian Muslim
“I am a Hindu, not a Muslim” : response when objected...
Indian Muslim
बिजनौर के मिस्त्री मुस्तक़ीम ने बना दी सेनिटाइज़र मशीन,चौतरफ़ा हो रही...
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Corona phobia exposes fragility of society
Indian Muslim
पूर्व मंत्री के घर के बाहर छींकते हुए गुज़रा एक शख़्स,...
COVID19 and the transformation of social spaces
Kind gestures not brute force is the way for policemen on...
Indian Muslim
Rising Islamophobic posts by Indian expats in Middle East worries many
Indian Muslim
Muslim family helps Hindu neighbor in cremating their loved one
“We will make graffitis once university opens” : Jamia student who...
A new environmental world order awaits post Covid-19 (Corona) era
India News
तलवार की धार पर पत्रकार,.छीनी जा रही हैंं नौकरियां
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Indian American Ambedkarite Organization appeals for donation to COVID19 relief fund
India News
CLMC demands Govt to immediately release Teltumbde and Navlakha
Indian American Muslim Council (IAMC) celebrates Bhim Jayanti
India Politics
“They are using humans as shields”: LoC villagers appeal for ceasefire
एक के बाद एक ग़लती करके मोदी खो रहे हैं देश...
Lockdown Lessons: Laws needed, but civic sense sits at the heart...
Indian Muslim
Indian Scientists Group Respond to Tablighi Jamaat ‘Super Spreader’ controversy
Lead Story
For India’s domestic workers, the biggest concern is hunger not coronavirus
It is high time Indian IT companies update their Social Media...
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